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Opal Jewelry – Opals make for unique engagement rings

Australian Opal Direct
Opal Jewelry – Opals make for unique engagement rings

Choosing an opal engagement ring can be confusing, so it helps to know how to choose a high quality opal!

No two gemstones have the same swirl patterns, color plays or clarity, making each opal unique. And while some show the full spectrum of diffracted colors, from blue and green, violet, pink, orange and red, others have only two or three colors. The variety of opal types, shapes, sizes, colors, patterns and clarity ensures that everyone has a different favorite!

But it's easy to find a good opal when you see it.

The best opals have color patterns that swirl in an organic and natural way. And they always have strong vibrant colors that explode from the gem in a dazzling display of diffracted colors. This is known as opalescence and is what makes opal rings particularly captivating.

Gold opal ring intended for engagement rings must be very clear so that the patterns and play of colors contained in them can be clearly seen. But more importantly, the colors in them must be bold and dramatic. They should flash and play across the gem as it spins in the light, showing different hues at every turn. And contrary to popular belief, the best opal rings are not necessarily the ones that show the most color, but the ones with the strongest color expressions.

Opal engagement rings must have quality settings made of precious metals that complement the colors of the opal. Black opals, with their vibrant iridescent colors on dark blue, black or gray backgrounds, are often set in white gold or platinum for best effect. However, it cannot be generalized to other opals, which can be set in white or yellow metals depending on the colors in the individual opals.

While solitaire black opal direct can be pronged or bezeled for protection, opal and diamond engagement rings, whether two stone, three stone or group, generally look best as a set of prongs. Whatever you choose, your opal engagement ring will be as individual as you are, making them the perfect engagement rings.

Australian Opal Direct
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