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How to study from NCERT books to enhance your IAS preparation

Elite IAS Academy
How to study from NCERT books to enhance your IAS preparation

UPSC is considered one of the hardest competitive exams in India. You need to go through three stages to become an IAS finally. The journey starts with prelims followed by mainsand then the interview. However, the written tests are considered one of the crucial milestones of the process. There are several books and courses in the market to help you prepare for that. However, IAS books NCERT are considered the best ones for preparation. For years, the UPSC exam has been the foundation of NCERT books. That’s why experts suggest reading NCERT in detail to understand the concepts’ crux. But readingNCERT for the UPSC exam is not as simple as you think. You need to go deeper into the concepts instead of reading them superficially.Many students also say that NCERT doesn’t explain the concepts in detail, so after reading from it, they cannot grasp it. So today, we are sharing a

few tips in this blog to resolve such issues.

Read for basics only

Many students rely on NCERT too much. The truth is that NCERT can only offer you the concepts and their foundation. It will help introduce a conceptbut won’t give details about it. So if you want to dive deeper into a subject that is also essential from the point of view of the examsyllabus, then refer to other books. Then, you can start NCERt to build your basics You can find several direct questions in the exam from NCERT language. So it is helpful to make notes from the NCERT book. You can make flashcards or diagrammatic notes. Read them again and again. Some students also learn better when they write things. So you can also do that.

Follow RLR method

RLR stands for reading, learning, and revising. It is a proven method forstudying history, geography, etc. In such subjects, you need to cram a lot of numbers and facts. Many students mistake learning these conceptsin just one go and never see those chapters again. However, agree ornot, you will forget those after a while. That’s why start by readingthem where you are not trying to cram them. On the second go, try tolearn them diligently. In the last step, revise them regularly. You canchoose to revise them either every 3 to 4 days initially to 1 week later.

Focus on the main topics

There are several topics of NCERT which are part of the UPSC exam. So be aware ofthem and avoid wasting your time. Some students think that there isnothing wrong with taking extra knowledge. However, they don’tunderstand that it is time to work smart. You can take in-depthknowledge later. Right now, focus on the main topics with more considerable weightage in the exam.


IAS books NCERT provide a good learning and preparation source for the UPSCexam. However, you need to work smart and hard to get the most out of them.

Reference Link(OriginallyPosted https://elite-ias-academy.blogspot.com/2022/09/how-to-study-from-ncert-books-to.html








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