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The Pros and Cons of LED, CFL, and Halogen Bulbs

The Pros and Cons of LED, CFL, and Halogen Bulbs

The amount of energy needed to power a home is nothing in comparison to the amount of energy needed to power a commercial or industrial facility. With that, it should come as no surprise that powering these buildings can easily become expensive.

According to a survey found in the Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey, 17% of all electricity used in US commercial buildings is used for lighting. This is the largest end use of electricity in this survey aside from the category labeled as “other.” With such a substantial percentage of electricity consumed in commercial and industrial buildings, efforts to improve energy efficiency standards have been sought.

When it comes to lighting commercial and industrial buildings, there are quite a few options to choose from. Light-emitting diode (LED), compact fluorescent light (CFL), and the halogen bulb are some of the more common lighting options used in these types of buildings. Out of the three options, some factors to consider when choosing which is best include:

·       Energy efficiency

·       Durability

·       Lifespan of the bulbs

·       Maintenance costs

Determining which lighting solution is best isn’t as simple as going to the store and picking up a few light bulbs. Proper lighting in commercial and industrial buildings plays a critical role in not only improving energy efficiency but also in increasing higher productivity rates, safer machine operation, and accident prevention. Knowing the difference between each type of bulb will help guide your buying decision based on what you’re looking for with your lighting. Below, you will find the pros and cons of each bulb type.

LED Pros

·       For the environmentally conscious consumersLED bulbs are easier to dispose of because they do not contain any harmful or hazardous materials.

·       LED light bulbs stream light in one direction, creating a direct line of light for more efficient lighting. Other bulbs stream light in all directions and produce a significant amount of heat, which wastes about 50% of light before illumination leaves a fixture.

·       LED bulbs use diodes versus heat to produce light, which, in turn, extends the lifespan of the bulb (can last over 60,000 hours). This then contributes to its ability to prevent nearly a half ton of greenhouse gas emissions in its lifespan.

LED Cons

·       Initial costs of LED bulbs are higher than other bulbs.

·       The lifespan of LED bulbs can decrease if in extreme hot temperatures.

·       LED bulbs can start to dim, flicker, or change color, depending on how long you have had the bulb.

CFL Pros

·       CFL bulbs are considerably less expensive than LED bulbs and use around 75% less energy than traditional incandescent light bulbs.

·       CFL bulbs have a lifespan that is ten times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. This, in turn, reduces disposal and production costs.[CD1] 

·       These bulbs also produce less heat which helps save on cooling costs.

CFL Cons

·       Turning these lights on and off cutss their lifespan significantly.

·       CFL bulbs take time to warm up before reaching full light.

·       These bulbs do not work well with dimmer fixtures.

·       CFL bulbs must be disposed of carefully due to containing the toxic chemical mercury. These bulbs do not contain a significant amount of mercury, nor is the mercury released when used. However, if the bulb isn’t properly disposed of, the mercury can pose a health risk.

***Concerns About Mercury***

When considering CFL bulbs, it’s important to understand a few things about mercury. The fact that these bulbs contain mercury does not mean you shouldn’t or can't use them. On average, these bulbs contain only about four milligrams of mercury and can be less depending on the brand of bulb. The biggest concern is the risk of exposure to the chemical. If you break a CFL bulb in your facility, the US Environmental Protection Agency provides detailed instructions on how to properly clean the mercury-affected area.

Halogen Bulb Pros

·       A Halogen bulb is more cost-efficient than other energy-efficient bulbs.

·       Produces a powerful beam of light that can be focused on a targeted area or product.

·       Come in different types: flood lights, reflective spotlights, and more.

·       The lifespan of these bulbs can be up to 5,000 hours.

Halogen Bulb Cons

·       Most of the energy produced with these bulbs is lost due to heat. Around 10% of the energy produced from these bulbs is used for lighting.

·       Energy-saving halogen bulbs use more energy than other bulbs on the market.

·       Cooling costs are more expensive because these bulbs produce more heat and run hotter than other bulbs.

All three bulb types listed have great qualities that any commercial or industrial facility would benefit from, it all depends on the purpose of the lights. When you compare that to the needs of your facility, you will be able to better determine which bulb will be best for you.

At Schaffhouser Electric, we specialize in building, repairing, designing, and maintaining electrical systems for commercial and industrial facilities. Whether you need help determining which type of bulb is best for your facility or if your electrical system needs rewiring, we’re here for you 24 hours a day. Simply give us a call at (615) 325-8001.

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