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Neuropathic Pain - Dr.Shantanu Shubham

Purnea Neuro Clinic
Neuropathic Pain - Dr.Shantanu Shubham

Dr. Shantanu Shubham is the Best neurologist in Purnea, Bihar. We also provide Stroke, Headache, Epilepsy, Alzheimer's, etc. Call for an inquiry on 09905790259

Neuropathic torment can occur if your sensory system is harmed or not working accurately. You can feel torment from any of the different levels of the sensory system—the fringe nerves, the spinal rope, and the cerebrum. Together, the spinal string and the cerebrum are known as the focal sensory system.

Harmed nerve filaments convey some unacceptable messages to torment focuses. Nerve capacity might change at the site of the nerve harm, just as regions in the focal

Neuropathic pain can be caused by diseases, including:



Facial nerve problems.

HIV infection or AIDS.

Central nervous system disorders (stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, etc.)

Complex regional pain syndrome.

Shingles. (Pain that continues after your bout with shingles ends is called postherpetic neuralgia.)

The goals of treatment are to:

Treat the underlying disease (for example, radiation or surgery to shrink a tumor that is pressing on a nerve).

Provide pain relief.

Maintain functionality.

Improve the quality of life.

Dr. Shantanu Shubham is a neurologist with sharp clinical acumen to deal with complex neurological disorders. Being trained from top medical institute of India. After practicing for more than 5 years in Darbhanga and kolkata.

Dr. Shantanu Shubham is the Best neurologist in Purnea, Bihar. We also provide Stroke, Headache, Epilepsy, Alzheimer's, etc. Call for an inquiry on 09905790259

Purnea Neuro Clinic
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