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Volkswagen Transponder Key and Locksmith Service

Volkswagen Transponder Key and Locksmith Service

Volkswagen (VW) is one of the most recognized automakers in the international automotive industry. This German-based automaker is one of the world's most prestigious carmakers and is constantly setting new examples by launching new vehicles with something unique. Volkswagen vehicles are known for their ultimate style and comfort. The range of interior and exterior fittings is matchless. 

Volkswagen Key

Locksmiths are repeatedly asked about VW transponder keys and how to get copies of them. Many car owners turn to their car dealers but they have to pay extra to have remote keys copied.  In the last two decades, many car manufacturers have equipped their cars with a remote control key for anti-theft security measures.

In the case of the Volkswagen trqnsponder Key, if the key is inserted, the signal is transmitted to the receiver present near the ignition. If the transponder's digital serial number matches what has been programmed into the car, it will start as the driver turns the key. Transponder keys are mostly used with car locks from the mid 1990's. A transponder device uses a microchip that is capable of sending a low-level signal tracked by a remote receiver. Microchips are programmed with a unique serial number during manufacturing. 

Why Keys4Cars

Keys4Cars is a world-class supplier of transponder Volkswagen Key and remote replacements for most VW Volkswagen cars. Have you lost your remote fob for your VW Volkswagen, ifso then don’t worry, contact us. We will provide you with the replacement immobiliser key you require. 

Keys4Cars are equipped with some of the latest car programming technology in New Zealand which set us apart from most of our competitors who do not have the equipment or know-how with the latest cars security systems.

We can provide new replacement VW Volkswagen transponder keys that will fit your vehicle no matter where in the Bay of Plenty area you are. Our full mobile workshop is fully equipped to tackle the cutting and programming to many types of VW Volkswagen keys onsite so that you can get back on the road as quickly as possible time aswell as our service being more affordable than dealers is only a bonus.

It's not always clear who to contact if your remote control key is lost, stolen, or not working. It doesn't matter if you need a replacement key, a new battery, or a new key to be programmed. We are one of the trusted locksmiths and ready to provide a prompt service. For a quick quote, fill in the key request form at the bottom of this page or call us.

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