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How can we arrange the bedroom furniture? | GwG Outlet

Tony Blake
How can we arrange the bedroom furniture? | GwG Outlet

GwG Outlet believes in transforming your houses into better versions that provide a great quality of life.

There is no question that your house is a safe haven and a place on this planet that gives the highest level of care, safety, and a sense of belonging. However, one portion of your home interior is to offer you with heavenly mental and physical comfort, presenting you with the ideal resting experience. "That's exactly what you're thinking, Your Bedroom." Your bedroom should be constructed and prepared in such a manner that entering there after a long day relieves all of your stress. As a result, you should carefully plan your bedroom area and furnishings to comfort your mind and spirit.

Here are some ideas to help you organize your bedroom furniture.

Our excellent taste in purchasing items for your home has increased over the years, and as a consequence, we now offer a varied range of products ranging from accents, rugs, furniture, home & garden décor, patio, and wall accessories. Our products feature a trendy and classic design that will look great in your house or apartment.

1) Analyzing space 

The first and foremost thing you need to take care of before arranging your furniture is analyzing your space. If you have a larger space, you are at an advantage, and if you have a smaller space, your imagination can bring up an effective solution.

2) Headboard placement of your bed.

bedroom furniture

While your bedroom space has been analyzed, it is important first to place your bed as it is the highlight of your personal paradise. While there is an ancient saying in the Indian “Vaastu Shastra” that one should sleep in such a way that their head points southward as it has something to do with the magnetic poles of the earth. However, it is totally up to your belief and the availability of space in your room. Decide the placement of your bed’s headboard in front of a sturdy wall that has a window and the door on the lateral sides. Additionally, ensure space on either side of the bed for movement and depicting a decluttered space. 

3) Maintaining Ventilation

Out of four walls in your bedroom, it is definite that at least one wall in the room is dedicated to a window for ventilation. Hence, while arranging your furniture, it is very important to keep the window space, furniture free.

If you feel your window space is compromising your furniture placement, you should remember not to compromise on the window space. Yes, ventilation exceeds furniture placement.  

4) Utilizing Window space 

So, you are not satisfied with the above discussion and are seeking to make the optimal use of your window space and maintain ventilation and lighting. There are many possible placement arrangements that you could do. For instance, you can place a sideboard below the window frame and utilize it for multiple purposes.

Additionally, if you do not have other suitable walls for your wardrobe and the window wall is the ideal place, you can redesign your wardrobe. For example, you can design your wardrobe in such a way that it creates a box-type appearance around the window frame.

5) Making use of Dead Spaces 

Suppose you have a space of less than a foot between pillars or narrow vertical spaces where nothing can be done in terms of utilizing it for storage. However, there is good news for those who have witnessed a dead end with such spaces. You can convert this dead space into a dressing table. You can make a narrow shelf so that it carefully fits in the space, and one can utilize the space above the shelf to add a mirror and vanity lights.

6) Sliding Wardrobes 

To prevent congestion and make maximum use of your bedroom space, consider designing your wardrobe with a sliding door. This tactic works effectively if you have less space between your bed and wardrobe that restricts movement while opening the wardrobe door. The movement of the sliding door is strictly sideways, ensuring congestion is prevented and can be accessed easily. Additionally, you can add a nightstand that allows additional storage and a stand to place your lamp and valuables. If empty places are left, you can add fillers like cocktail tables, accents, and more.  


The artist in you needs to awaken when it comes to arranging your bedroom furniture in the finest order. Hence, your ideas are your imagination. You need first to understand your needs, and the ideas will come flowing through your mind like wind gushing through your hair. It is your bedroom space and so, arrange it according to your needs.

Tony Blake
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