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How to Get Reliable, Honest and Trustworthy Legal Expertise

Aughtersons Solicitors
How to Get Reliable, Honest and Trustworthy Legal Expertise

Aughtersons is one of the most trusted and respected law firms in the Ringwood area, Experts in commercial law, family law, litigation and crime, conveyancing, property, and more. Aughtersons Lawyers is the premier Greater Eastern Region law firm; offering exemplary legal advice, representation, and business legal advice for well over 50 years. With battle-tested solicitors, Aughtersons boasts an impressive staff with accredited family law specialists (Law Institute of Victoria Specialisation Scheme) and former registrars of the family court of Australia.


A Staple of the Ringwood community, Aughtersons has made great efforts to give back and represent the community, going beyond the duties of a typical Ringwood law firm. From Aughtersons lawyer, Peter Milford, being past president and active member of the Ringwood Chamber of Commerce & Industry to Senior Property Solicitor, Gordon Jacobs, being vice president of the Alkira: Dignity and Purpose centre in Box Hill, Aughtersons solicitors are a core piece of the community. Not just the individuals, but the entire firm itself embraces this community spirit by being strong supporters of the Yarra Valley Group of Melbourne legacy and hosting the community fundraising event for cancer research, “biggest morning tea,” every year.


Aughtersons Lawyers exude the humanity and soul of the Ringwood community, but also embody the skill and expertise of one of the most trusted law firms in Ringwood and Melbourne. This is what separates them from the typical faceless law firm. Whether it’s a family law issue regarding child support agreements, divorce and prenuptial agreements, restraining orders or custody battles; or a commercial law issue where sound and reliable business legal advice is of the utmost importance, Aughtersons is the premier choice. To get in touch with an Aughtersons Law representative call (03) 9845 8200 or send an email to legal@aughtersons.com.au to get reliable, honest and trustworthy legal expertise. 

Our family law services cover:

●      Binding Child Support Agreements

●      Child support and maintenance

●      Financial Agreements (pre-nuptial and post-separation)

●      De Facto advice • Property/Financial Settlements

●      Divorce • Domestic Violence and Intervention Orders

●      Restraining Orders and Injunctions

●      Parenting disputes (custody)

●      Same-sex relationships

●      Grandparent rights

●      Hague convention issues (child abduction)

●      Family Law Mediation

●      Complex financial disputes (companies, trust, businesses, etc.)

●      Spousal maintenance

●      Corporate and Company Law

●      Business Law

●      Company acquisitions

●      Business name registrations

●      Business structures

●      Shareholder Agreements

●      Agency, Distributorship and Confidentiality Agreements

●      Business Sales and Purchases

●      Business Succession Planning

●      Leasing – Commercial and Retail

●      Joint ventures

●      Trusts

●      Franchise Agreements

●      Employment Law

●      Copyright and Trademark

Aughtersons Solicitors
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