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Basic knowledge of jewelry(9)

Basic knowledge of jewelry(9)

17、 What is "Kjin"?


Because it is too soft to make jewelry with pure gold, it is difficult to inlay all kinds of exquisite styles, especially when inlaying pearls, gemstones, jadeite and other treasures, it is easy to be lost. Therefore, since ancient times, people have known that a small amount of silver, copper, zinc and other metals are added to pure gold to increase the strength and toughness of gold. The gold ornaments made in this way are called decorative gold. The production of determining the content of pure gold in jewellery gold is called "gold level", and the English is karat, which is generally translated as "open" The prefix can also be referred to as "K". Therefore, jewelry is also called "K" gold. It is generally said that the pure gold is 24K, that is, the theoretical gold content is 100%. Therefore, 1K represents that the pure gold content of gold ornaments accounts for 1/24, about 4.16%. In China, the consumption habit is generally 24K or 18K, while in some European and American countries 14K or 12K gold is often used to inlay jewelry.


18、 What are "gold jewelry" and "platinum jewelry"?


All jewelry handicrafts made entirely of gold and part of gold can be called "gold jewelry", and gold jewelry made of precious metal "platinum" is called "platinum jewelry". Since platinum metal is more dispersed in the crust than gold and is difficult to extract, platinum jewelry is more expensive than gold jewelry.


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