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How to make Vegan Pasta Recipe - Grabenord

How to make Vegan Pasta Recipe - Grabenord

Smooth Mayonnaise with Red Peprika, to enhance your taste buds.

Soulful food for your taste buds.

India’s first 100% Vegan, Cruelty Free, Non-Dairy product | Trans-fat Free and Palm Oil-Free.

Add this to salads, sandwiches, dressings, tacos, and more! This is also perfect with a pita chip and veggie dip!

A plant-based diet does not have to be bland. Enjoy the creamy, rich taste of our plant-based spread with amazing, complex seasoning that you don’t have to make yourself!

Vegetable Pasta


Grabnord’s Pasta (Penne, Fusilli, Macaroni): 250 gm boiled

Capsicum: 1 chopped

Onion: 1 sliced

Button Mushroom: 5 Chopped

2Salt to taste

Red chilli powder to taste

Black Pepper powder to taste

Tomato ketchup: 2 tbsp to taste

Vegan Chipotle Mayo: 2 tbsp heaped

Garlic: 2-3 Cloves crushed

Zuchini: 5g chopped

Broccoli: 5g chopped

Oregano: 1 tbsp


Heat water in a bowl and also add salt as per taste, now add in the Grabenord’s pasta (Penne/Fusilli/Macaroni) and cook for 8 to 10 mins.

Then take it out in a strainer and drain the water, run cool water or normal tap water over the cooked pasta. Keep it aside.

Heat little oil in a kadai, add in the crushed garlic and saute for a few mins. Then add in the onion and fry till it’s translucent, now add in the Capsicum, and fry for a minute. Next add Mushrooms, Zucchini and Broccoli. Then add salt and red chilli powder to it, mix it well.

Add in the cooked pasta and mix it well, then add in the tomato ketchup and mix it well.

To know more: https://grabenord.com/pages/vegetable-pasta

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