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What to Expect from a Professional Eye Test?

What to Expect from a Professional Eye Test?

The first question the optician should ask a patient while scheduling a professional eye test is about their medical history. Eye doctors must be informed about many aspects of your health, not just your eyes. This is so because your nervous system and eyes are intertwined, making it likely that problems with the nervous system might also damage your eyes. As a result, every patient must give the doctor the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Most professional eye examinations these days involve examining the eyes using a slit lamp. This provides the eye doctor with a magnified view of the eye. The process consists of the patient putting their chin on a chin rest, after which a bright light is shined on the eye. This helps the doctor discover where the eye problem exists, if any.

Once all tests and eye exams are done, a doctor, according to the result, prescribes the patient eye drops according to the condition. If eye drops aren't sufficient, glasses are prescribed as well. Most patients only get prescribed glasses which are usually enough to solve the problems related to the eyes. The most extreme scenario consists of having the patient undergo surgery. However, this is very rare. It should always be ensured that the eye doctor you go to is one with whom you are comfortable.

People all over the world go to various opticians and eye doctors. No two doctors will ever conduct an eye test the same way. Every doctor uses different equipment, techniques, and procedures to perform eye tests on patients. However, every eye exam certainly has some expectations from the patient, as every optician follows a strict code for conducting a professional eye test.

Once the case history has been conducted, the patient is then asked to read a chart containing letters of the alphabet in various sizes. If the patient had glasses before, this task is carried out wearing those glasses. Many people tend to guess the alphabet if they cannot read it. Remember, this test is for your benefit, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about. The results of this test help an optometrist in figuring out whether or not your eyes are bad and whether you require prescription glasses or not.

Eye Tests in Coffs Harbour

Finding the right optometrist in Coffs Harbour can be a challenge – especially with so many overheads and brand names to wade through. If you want exceptional customer service combined with excellent value for money, then AussieSpecs is your leading eye care centre of choice in Coffs Harbour NSW.

Here at AussieSpecs, we offer a vast range of services for every need and price point. Visit us today and uncover the difference from your local optometrist in Coffs Harbour.

Also, finding the perfect pair of glasses isn't an easy task. Nor is knowing where to buy them at an affordable price.

If you're in need of a new pair of spectacles, then please visit AussieSpecs on 32 Moonee Street. We stock all the leading brands of frames and lenses. Our expert optometrists will prescribe a frame that will compliment your particular needs and lifestyle.

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