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5 common health problems people face today and how to treat them.

5 common health problems people face today and how to treat them.

There is a phrase that says that if you do not have health, you do not have anything. This phrase makes complete sense because your health is the basic foundation you need to build everything you want. 

It is our duty to take care of our bodies and not take health for granted.

Recent studies show that the conditions that affected only older adults have started affecting younger adults as well. 

Bad lifestyle and genetics are some of the reasons people suffer from health problems. 

These are the five most common health problems people face today.


High blood pressure- This happens when your blood pumps forcefully through your veins.  High Bp if left untreated can cause major heart problems. The leading cause of strokes is because of high blood pressure. 

High blood pressure is treated through medications and lifestyle changes.

If a person suffers from high blood pressure, they need to get a minimum of seven to nine hours of sleep. 

The person should also not smoke, get regular physical activity, consistently have their medications, limit alcohol consumption, and maintain a healthy weight. 

Obesity- Obesity is high in countries such as India.  In fact, this is a lifestyle disease that leads to other illnesses.  A doctor’s end goal for an obese patient is slimming and this is an ongoing and slow process. It may take two years for an obese patient to lose the weight they need to. 

The goal for the obese patient is to reach a certain weight so that they needn’t worry anymore. 

Obesity is treated through modest weight loss, dietary changes, counseling, exercise, and endoscopic procedures for weight loss.  Certain patients are also told to go for bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery. 

Heart disease- Around 55 million people in India have some form of heart disease and it is a heart disease that leads to stroke. Most heart or cardiovascular problems arises due to sedentary lives.

Various surgeries are done on the patient depending on the heart problem they are facing. 

There are various medications available for all types of heart problems. Eating a balanced diet and exercising are good ways to prevent heart problems. 


Cataract- This is one of the common causes of visual impairment and in fact, many Indians develop cataracts. 

A doctor will recommend surgery to patients who need the surgery. During cataract surgery, a cloudy lens is replaced with an artificial lens and this is considered a safe surgery. 


Cancer- Cancer is a serious health issue and the treatment for it is also heavy on the pocket. Cancer is more common than you think and many people in the world suffer from some form of cancer. 

There are unlimited ways cancer is treated and this depends on the type of cancer the patient has. 

Surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy,  stem cell transplant,  immunotherapy, and hormone therapy are some of the ways different types of cancer are treated by doctors and medical teams.

In case you are experiencing any of these symptoms or planning to live a healthy life, RPS hospital is the best place to take a master health check up in Chennai with best ICU availability in chennai and all other necessities.

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