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Top three New Mini Tractors: Price and overview

diksha gupta
Top three New Mini Tractors: Price and overview

In the 80s and 90s, when the Green revolution started, everyone thought about revolutionizing agriculture by facilitating large and medium-scale farmers as there was lesser farming equipment for small-scale farmers. But nowadays, mini tractors with new tractor prices are getting their attention in the market. In this blog, we will discuss the top three mini tractors with their price.

Popular New Mini Tractors in India

Swaraj 717: what’s inside?

This mini tractor comes with a 1-cylinder 863.5 CC engine that produces 15 HP of rated engine power and a take-off power of 9 Hp. The water-cooled engine enables the mini tractor to become a remote-friendly tractor. There is a 3-stage oil bath type air filter that allows clean fuel combustion in the engine. This tractor is one of the looked-after tractors in the mini tractor segment. This new tractor price is 3.20-3.30 Lakhs in India.

Mahindra Yuvraj 215 NXT: A look into specs

This mini tractor comes with a 1 cylinder 863.5 CC engine that generates 15 HP of rated engine power and 12 HP of take-off power. The water-cooled engine makes the engine remote-friendly and also cost-efficient, as other liquid coolants come at a cost. The wet-type air filter makes the engine capable of pure combustion. This is also one of the in-demand tractors in the mini tractor segment. This new tractor's price is Rs. 3.05-3.25 Lakhs.

Swaraj Code: A quick brief

This mini tractor comes with a 1-cylinder 389 cc water-cooled engine that produces 11.1 HP of rated engine power and 9.46 Hp of take-off power. The dry-type air filter makes the engine combustion smooth and clean. Regarding the gear transmission, this mini tractor has a 6+3 gear combination supported by sliding mesh and managed by a single clutch configuration. Generally used in small farmlands, this new tractor price is Rs. 2.45- 2.50 Lakhs.

diksha gupta
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