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Top Preet Combine Harvesters That Are Must Buy

ghanshyam 30
Top Preet Combine Harvesters That Are Must Buy

Combine harvesters are a revolution to farming implements. These all-in-one, multi-purpose harvesters for threshing, reaping, and harvesting are cost-effective and efficient.

Preet Tractors is renowned for its special range of combine harvesters. Let’s discuss the best-selling combine harvesters from Preet Tractors with complete specifications & performing features.


Preet 987

With 6 cylinders, 101 hp power, cutter bar of 14 feet, this farming implement is a complete solution. This harvester can generate 2200 engine-rated RPM. Its combination of dry and wet type air cleaners ensures the engine circulates clean air. And its water-cooled engine ensures the implement works for long hours without overheating. 

Preet 949 TAF

This self-propelled, 4-cylinder, 7 feet wide cutter, 76-hp harvester is perfect for harvesting paddy crops. The harvester can generate 2200 engine-rated RPM. Its dry cleaner ensures the engine circulates clean air. And its water-cooled technology ensures the implement doesn’t overheat that easily.

Preet 749

This 70 HP, self-propelled combine harvester is another perfect solution for Indian farming. This combine harvester comes with 9 feet wide cutter, 4 cylinders water-cooled engine, and a 125-litre fuel tank capacity. The harvester is the perfect solution for crops like paddy, soybean, wheat, mustard, sunflower, etc.


This 110 Hp, 6 cylinder and 14 feet wide cutter bar is perfect farming harvesting equipment. This self-propelled harvester comes with a deluxe AC cabin that provides safe and comfortable cruising during fields. With a combination of dry & wet type air cleaners, the harvester provides clean air to the engine. 

These are the top 4 combine harvesters that are famous for their hp power and other additional features. To know about these combine harvesters in detail, visit Tractor Junction.

ghanshyam 30
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