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How can Cloud Security Automation Help Businesses Succeed

bharat malviya
How can Cloud Security Automation Help Businesses Succeed

Protecting data and networks will be critical as companies consider moving to the cloud. An automated cloud-native security solution can help save time and money for the enterprise.

Automation is the foundation of innovation because it allows people to do things in a better way rather than work harder.

Automation simplifies security in the cloud, allowing businesses to better focus on testing and other security business transformation projects rather than manual security deployment to new infrastructure and time-consuming risk prevention tasks.

The importance of automation is reflected in its demand from security leaders. According to a 2020 study by Fugue,

"The State of Cloud Security 2020", 95% of IT, cloud and security professionals surveyed said security automation will help them become more productive while improving cloud-based data security.

Cloud security automation’s benefits

Aside from the obvious benefit of eliminating manual work and allowing organizations to focus on innovation, here are some other ways automation can help businesses succeed:

Reduces cloud misconfigurations:

Human error is still the most common source of cloud misconfigurations. Automation removes the guesswork and human errors that might jeopardize an infrastructure’s security.

More resiliency: Just as businesses wouldn’t be without home insurance, having a backup plan is crucial. Businesses can reduce the time it takes to recover from a data breach by automating the process.

Shifts left to foster a DevSecOps culture: Businesses can assure security from the start of the build process all the way through deployment by integrating automated scans and testing from the minute code is committed to the repository.

Full Article: How can Cloud Security Automation Help Businesses Succeed

IT security News

bharat malviya
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