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Revamping a classic brand’s e-commerce website

Revamping a classic brand’s e-commerce website

About Sapana Carpet-Mats, the leading Chatai Manufacturer

The traditional essence of a Chatai- the classic grandeur of patterns and physiologically beneficial properties- has best been brought out by Sapana Carpet-Mats, the leading manufacturer of Polypropylene mats in India, and a trusted exporter of Chatai Mats worldwide. They knit sustainability within the straws of their Chatai mats, while also producing a range of drool-worthy products like elegant Carpets and Rugs and picturesque yet durable Door Mats.

Being a classic household name, Sapana Carpet-Mats has produced a wide gamut of products over the years, and thus, they needed a website that would effortlessly display dynamic additions to the product collections and also be aesthetically appealing. It was time to migrate to a new website that could efficiently utilise the web traffic to maximise sales.

The great shift from ‘Sapana Online’ to ‘Sapana Carpet-Mats’

An e-commerce website primarily helps in sales conversion. The performance of the website can be marred by factors like slow load time, a copy that doesn’t highlight the value of the dislayed product or idea, a disjunct internal link, or a broken form.

We chose to migrate to the Shopify platform, and entrusted the Futuready Media team with managing the functioning of the website, our marketing and business strategy, along with fixing our prior technical issues.

Here’s what Futuready Media recommended to be added to the existing sitemap:

The ‘Shop page’ that includes:

A page for each product, arranged with their best selling units

Each of the products, i.e Chatai, Rugs & Carpets and Door Mats must have subpages with their respective collections, that are classified according to the patterns

FAQs are detailed and arranged based on the basis of brand identity, products and Shipping policies

With excellent product photography and an attractive colour palette, the new Sapana Carpet-Mats website has the following fresh features to make it one of the best e-commerce website:

New Design Templates

Neat and clean designs amp up the UI of a website. Following the trend of slider banners on the home page, we added 4 slider banners to the Sapana Carpet-Mats website. Instead of applying the branding colours of maroon and yellow, we fused the two distinctive colours to form the ‘bright maroon’ shade that became our website’s UX colour for the buttons, toggles and texts.

Minimalism and broken grid layouts have garnered impetus as the most trending web design. We used these layouts to bring out surreal image aesthetics complemented by catchy taglines and laconic captions.

To match the liveliness of the products, we incorporated a series of listing images on the product pages, each comprehensively describing the sizes, features, colours and utility of the product. Furthermore, we modernised the website’s header to draw the focus of the visitor to products that are Bestsellers and collections added to the ‘New Launch’ tab.

Improved functionality & Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Focusing on better functionality of the website, making browsing and purchasing easy for all visitors was our core intention. With improved UX & UI, faster loading speed, and easy navigation, purchasing on Sapana Carpet-Mats became possible with just a few clicks.

One of the most important ways to increase traffic on a website is adding alluring designs and appealing content. We implemented Search Engine Optimised content to our revamped website for attracting the target audience, generating leads, and increasing website traffic.

We optimised the blog content consistently every month, studied the patterns of our users visiting the page, and improved the ranking of the website’s content on the search results page.

Content Audit

Our team of content writers proofread the product descriptions, details and all the information on different pages. Before shifting to Shopify, our revision regime covered every new copy for descriptions, new variant of an existing product, and the uploading of blogs and FAQs based on the concurrent trends and enquires.

With new features on the product page like the option of ‘colour swatches’, we shared products with the same design but unique colours and presented their descriptions in a succinct manner.

The “idea & Inspirations” page which contains the brand’s blogs included the feature of internal linking which wasn’t present on the previous website. We incorporated the exact titles of the products within the blog and spoke at length about them while linking the products to their respective ‘Buy it Now’ page; thus mitigating the process of reading and shopping for the customer, resulting in a boosted CSR.

Newsletters & Socials

Newletters are one of the most cost-effective methods for digital marketing due to their semi-formal nature of contact with customers. A newsletter exudes specially tailored messages for customers with explicit details of the brand’s pursuit. We created interesting campaigns for festive occasions and introduced Sapana Carpet-Mats’ bespoke products through these newsletters.

To ramp up our social media marketing plan, the newly furbished website contained sharing options in the product page, where a compelling product could be shared from the ‘shop page’ to multiple social media platforms.

Mobile OTP login & New payment gateway

With a surge in mobile website visitors, we saw an opportunity to attract and retain customers with OTP logins. Consumers who abandoned carts could be sent reminder emails and SMSs with exciting offers, improving our relationship with each and every customer and their specific needs.

Apart from interaction, a smooth checkout process is crucial for consumer conversion. Sapana Carpet-Mats’ old payment gateway didn’t offer many payment options like UPI, credit and debit cards. By integrating with Razorpay, we made online payment easy for our customers, with various payment options.

Detailed FAQs

With over 30 FAQs answered on the website, there is a concrete reference point built for the customers in case they wish to clarify doubts related to products or company policies, and carry on shopping without any worries. In an attempt to increase traffic to a website, FAQs naturally optimise the user experience with concise and to-the-point information.

With a separate link in the header, the Sapana Carpet-Mats’ website header holds insightful questions along with their answers categorised in the format of their products and collections. Instead of random long-tail words from the frequently typed searches by potential customers made into questions, we systematically presented the answers to the FAQs in one line, thus enhancing the brand’s SEO status simultaneously.

The end result

With a month packed with important festivals and a diligently executed website, Sapana Carpet-Mats garnered the customer engagement it desired that resulted in blockbuster sales. Together with social media marketing championing the brand’s products, the new website delivered a breezy shopping experience to the customers, which was the ultimate aim for the brand.

To know more: https://www.futureadymedia.com/revamping-a-classic-brands-e-commerce-website.php

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