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How Grubhub Clone Can Increase Your Profit!

Jack Daniels
How Grubhub Clone Can Increase Your Profit!

If you want to make people's life easier? then start a food delivery business. One fine example is Grubhub - a popular food ordering and delivery service that serves around 33.8 million active customers.

What is GrubHub Clone?

GrubHub clone is a readymade software that helps business owners to start their food delivery business in no time. It allows your customers to order their favorite food online and deliver it to customers doorstep.

The readymade software must have minimalistic features and be built with advanced technologies for better performance and scalability in the future.

How can it increase your profit?

Due to its sustainable business model, Grubhub is very successful in the US market for the past 16 years. It generated $2.1 billion in revenue in 2021, Which is a 16% increase year-on-year.

As you are planning to run a food delivery business online, it is mandatory to provide a faster and better service. The reason is nowadays more businesses are adding value to their customers by digitizing their products/services. As a result, it automatically increases the revenue of your company and on the other hand, it stabilizes your customer base.

Therefore, the Grubhub clone helps you to digitize your business in the food delivery market. The right technology and convenient features attract new customers in many ways.

Must-have features in the Grubhub clone

Four panels are available on the Grubhub clone - user application, driver application, Restaurant panel, and admin panel. Let’s briefly have a look,

User app

  1. Search nearby Restaurants - This allows customers to search their favorite restaurants.
  2. Real-time order tracking - Users can track their orders with the driver’s live location and delivery time.
  3. Payment options - This allows the user to pay with multiple payment options like Cash, card, or wallet.

Driver App

  1. Navigation - One of the must-have features in the driver app. This allows drivers in showing the direction to the exact location of the restaurant and the eater.
  2. Ratings - This feature allows drivers to rate the delivery experience in real time.
  3. Earnings - This help drivers view their earnings based on weekly and monthly.

Restaurant panel

  1. Order Management - A mandatory feature for every restaurant. It allows them to manage all the upcoming and past orders from the restaurant panel.
  2. Operating hours - It allows restaurant owners to set operating hours for their business.
  3. Transaction Management - This helps restaurant owners to manage and view past and future transactions.

Admin panel

  1. Service fee management - Allows admin to manage and set the service fee for the user, driver, and restaurant from the admin panel.
  2. Auto payout - It’s a mandatory feature since it prevents the admin from processing the payout manually. With the help of auto payout, the platform can automatically transfer the payout to drivers and restaurants easily.
  3. Dashboard - The dashboard can help the admin view all the details about the total number of users, drivers, restaurants, bookings and earning reports, etc,


With the help of futuristic technology and advanced features, you can easily launch a food delivery business into your market.

All you need to do is to choose a wise Grubhub clone by undergoing deep research. In order to build an app like Grubhub, you can check WooberlyEats.

Reach out to Whatsapp to know more about WooberlyEats.

Jack Daniels
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