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Top Four Things the Modern CISO Wants Their Board to Understand

bharat malviya
Top Four Things the Modern CISO Wants Their Board to Understand

There is no denying that a CISO has a lot on his mind. Whether he has an active role in the Board meetings or not, there are some important issues that he needs to discuss with the Board.

CISOs are leading and meeting with CTOs, CFOs, and CEOs on a regular basis to discuss cyber risk, security strategy, and how to handle digital transformation. While the CISO has become an important member of some executive boards, this is not the case everywhere.

Perhaps the CISO-board relationship is strained, or there are differences between the CISO and the rest of the board. For better or worse, the views of the CISO sometimes fall on deaf ears.

If that’s the case, here are four things today’s CISO wants their board to help them differentiate the signal from the noise.

It's been said over and over again - don't cut corners when it comes to cyber security. To keep up with today's risks, global IT investment has increased over time.

Cybersecurity spending has nearly doubled year-on-year, according to a new ISG research paper reporting "what to do about cybersecurity before it's too late."

In 2020, it accounted for 4.7 percent of total IT spending, compared to 2.5 percent in 2019. Enterprises should spend at least that much to ensure that they are equipped to deal with the risks of tomorrow.

Failure to budget adequately for cyber security can result in many problems. Organizations using legacy technology have limited or no visibility across their environments, making them vulnerable to data-related risks.

Spending insufficiently on cybersecurity professionals, the defenders working to keep the company and its data secure, may also not be poorly prepared for the next cyberattack.

Full Article: Top Four Things the Modern CISO Wants Their Board to Understand

Cyber Security Industry News

bharat malviya
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