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The Benefits of Bathroom Renovations

Bette Greiner
The Benefits of Bathroom Renovations

Bathroom renovations can be expensive. The costs can include materials, labour, and disposal of old fixtures and materials. A renovation may also involve framing and levelling the room. The costs may be several thousand dollars, but it is well worth the investment. In addition, there are many benefits to remodelling a bathroom, including a more luxurious feel.

Bathroom renovations can also help you improve your home's energy efficiency. For example, you may want to upgrade your plumbing fixtures, but make sure you choose a style that goes with the rest of the room. In addition, the plumbing fixtures should be close to the lines, and you may need to relocate them if they need to be closer.

Choosing new sanitary ware is another important aspect of bathroom renovations. Specifying which type of sink, toilet, and shower you want is essential. It is important to make this decision before the first fix, as leaving it to the last minute can lead to costly alterations made by the renovator. Additionally, consider installing tile backer boards on the walls of your bathroom, as they are waterproof and provide insulation. They can also be installed below underfloor heating, reducing the risk of leaks.

The master bath of this home needed a major makeover. The homeowners opted for a wet room with a soaking tub and a rain shower panel. A closet previously dominated the space. A penny round tile floor draws the eye across the floor, leading to the bathtub. Subway tile serves as a soothing backdrop.

A fresh coat of paint can make a big difference in the appearance of your bathroom. In addition, a new colour can hide signs of water damage. Painting is also an excellent DIY project. While painting is relatively cheap, you should use painter's tape to create a clean look. Neutral colours also tend to have more appeal.

When considering bathroom renovations, it is essential to consider the cost versus the benefits. Depending on the size of your bathroom, a remodel may be a worthwhile investment. It can increase the value of your home. It can be as simple as buying new sinks, a new paint job, or as big as changing the look. As long as you plan, your investment will pay off.

When hiring a contractor to perform a bathroom renovation, it is essential to be as detailed as possible. This way, there will be no grey area, and you can easily explain to the contractor what you want.

Bette Greiner
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