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The Wonders of the Wanderers Collection

Sapana Online
The Wonders of the Wanderers Collection

The ideal “version” of a picnic embraces the countryside view of serene mountains, flanked with lush meadows, a plethora of garden-fresh foods enticingly propped over the surface of a chequered cloth, and a relaxed set of people mesmerised by the gush of wind. But we at Sapana Carpet-Mats are here to break that stereotypical imagery of picnics! How you may ask? We have curated a range of sleek and unique Chatai Mats whose quintessence revolves around being extremely durable, eco-conscious, and effortlessly lightweight.

Sapana Carpet-Mats has envisioned the essence of every Bohemian-influenced traveller whose aesthetics capture the cultural and geographical wonders as they journey through new adventures. There is a famous saying, “not all those who wander are lost”; and with the same spirit, we bring to you, “The Wanderers Collection”. Mechanically woven with Polypropylene straws that are 70% Virgin and 30% Recycled, all our Chatai Mats assure you:

At our Manufacturing unit, we utilise solar energy and have effectively saved 30,893+ trees through our humble endeavours. 

As our products have Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certificates, we ensure best practices in the production, packing and distribution of the Chatai Mats.

Barring the usage of tree-damaging cartons, we employ flexible & reusable HDPE bags for crisp packaging of the finished products.

Taking charge of our carbon footprint is important since we must leave behind a thriving, proliferating and clean Earth, that you, our dear adventurer, can experience when travelling and wandering through sustained landscapes, accompanied by the comfort and support of our Chatai Mats.

Let’s ‘Wander’ into the Collection and take a look at the three impressive ranges of premium Chatai Mats that articulate nature through their characteristic designs.

Hues of Blue, Green and Pink Chatai Mats:

 We’ve all been driven towards the edge of the seashore into the calming waves that, in turn, come crashing towards you. The Hues of Blue Chatai does exactly that; it gives you an immersive oceanic feeling through its monochromatic variation of the colour blue and through the soft texture of the Chatai, you can get your share of calm and peace. The Hues of Green Chatai literally plants a green picture through its presence; add this Chatai to your home space and it feels as though you are surrounded by a turf of grass. Lastly, the Hues of Pink Chatai Mats are the perfect embodiment of chirpiness and playfulness. Pink represents sanguinity, parallel to the refreshing and confident experience we have when we set out on an exciting adventure.

Corsica Chatai Mats:

In its sheer essence, the sight of a Corsica patterned Chatai envelops the clear-cut acacia leaf motifs with miscellaneous flowers, from the silhouette of Roses to the partial figurine of a Chamomile flower. Together, they form an open bouquet filled with different enchanting flowers collected from different locations; just like your gallery of photos with a collection of multiple adventures. The Corsica range boasts a rare ensemble of Chatai Colours; namely Cherry, Koi, Blue and Citron. Cherry leans towards the rouge, red mud-like hue, while Citron offers a lime green twist to your Chatai Mat. The Blue Corsica Chatai reflects the different moods of the sky, and Koi has a tangerine veneer, combining the sunshine of yellow and the vitality of red. For elegant outdoor travel, the Corsica range of Chatai infuses automatic natural beauty into an already picturesque location.

Kilim 03 Chatai Mats:

If you’d like your Chatai dressed to the nines like your formal and suave fashion style, then the Kilim 03 is here for your needs. For the wanderers who are impressed by the luxury interiors of your temporary lodging or the regal monuments of historical relevance you went sightseeing, the Kilim 03 Chatai imbues the Balkan, Turkic and Iranian heritage through their classic geometric motifs. While the Dragon Kilim motif remains consistent through the surface of the Chatai, the colours are indeed the highlight of this range. Be it the sun-kissed Yellow colour of the Chatai, or the noble Purple hue that presents an electric pop wherever you go, the Chatai Mats are always going to be the centre of attraction and the centre of rest for your back and physical health. Don’t forget the corporate-hued Black and Grey Kilim 03 Chatai Mats, your perfect partners in case you are missing your weekday job.

With a brief display of our premium Chatai Mats, which Chatai from the Wanderers Collection would you like to make your next adventure partner?

To know more: The ideal “version” of a picnic embraces the countryside view of serene mountains, flanked with lush meadows, a plethora of garden-fresh foods enticingly propped over the surface of a chequered cloth, and a relaxed set of people mesmerised by the gush of wind. But we at Sapana Carpet-Mats are here to break that stereotypical imagery of picnics! How you may ask? We have curated a range of sleek and unique Chatai Mats whose quintessence revolves around being extremely durable, eco-conscious, and effortlessly lightweight.

Sapana Carpet-Mats has envisioned the essence of every Bohemian-influenced traveller whose aesthetics capture the cultural and geographical wonders as they journey through new adventures. There is a famous saying, “not all those who wander are lost”; and with the same spirit, we bring to you, “The Wanderers Collection”. Mechanically woven with Polypropylene straws that are 70% Virgin and 30% Recycled, all our Chatai Mats assure you:

At our Manufacturing unit, we utilise solar energy and have effectively saved 30,893+ trees through our humble endeavours. 

As our products have Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certificates, we ensure best practices in the production, packing and distribution of the Chatai Mats.

Barring the usage of tree-damaging cartons, we employ flexible & reusable HDPE bags for crisp packaging of the finished products.

Taking charge of our carbon footprint is important since we must leave behind a thriving, proliferating and clean Earth, that you, our dear adventurer, can experience when travelling and wandering through sustained landscapes, accompanied by the comfort and support of our Chatai Mats.

Let’s ‘Wander’ into the Collection and take a look at the three impressive ranges of premium Chatai Mats that articulate nature through their characteristic designs.

Hues of Blue, Green and Pink Chatai Mats:

 We’ve all been driven towards the edge of the seashore into the calming waves that, in turn, come crashing towards you. The Hues of Blue Chatai does exactly that; it gives you an immersive oceanic feeling through its monochromatic variation of the colour blue and through the soft texture of the Chatai, you can get your share of calm and peace. The Hues of Green Chatai literally plants a green picture through its presence; add this Chatai to your home space and it feels as though you are surrounded by a turf of grass. Lastly, the Hues of Pink Chatai Mats are the perfect embodiment of chirpiness and playfulness. Pink represents sanguinity, parallel to the refreshing and confident experience we have when we set out on an exciting adventure.

Corsica Chatai Mats:

In its sheer essence, the sight of a Corsica patterned Chatai envelops the clear-cut acacia leaf motifs with miscellaneous flowers, from the silhouette of Roses to the partial figurine of a Chamomile flower. Together, they form an open bouquet filled with different enchanting flowers collected from different locations; just like your gallery of photos with a collection of multiple adventures. The Corsica range boasts a rare ensemble of Chatai Colours; namely Cherry, Koi, Blue and Citron. Cherry leans towards the rouge, red mud-like hue, while Citron offers a lime green twist to your Chatai Mat. The Blue Corsica Chatai reflects the different moods of the sky, and Koi has a tangerine veneer, combining the sunshine of yellow and the vitality of red. For elegant outdoor travel, the Corsica range of Chatai infuses automatic natural beauty into an already picturesque location.

Kilim 03 Chatai Mats:

If you’d like your Chatai dressed to the nines like your formal and suave fashion style, then the Kilim 03 is here for your needs. For the wanderers who are impressed by the luxury interiors of your temporary lodging or the regal monuments of historical relevance you went sightseeing, the Kilim 03 Chatai imbues the Balkan, Turkic and Iranian heritage through their classic geometric motifs. While the Dragon Kilim motif remains consistent through the surface of the Chatai, the colours are indeed the highlight of this range. Be it the sun-kissed Yellow colour of the Chatai, or the noble Purple hue that presents an electric pop wherever you go, the Chatai Mats are always going to be the centre of attraction and the centre of rest for your back and physical health. Don’t forget the corporate-hued Black and Grey Kilim 03 Chatai Mats, your perfect partners in case you are missing your weekday job.

With a brief display of our premium Chatai Mats, which Chatai from the Wanderers Collection would you like to make your next adventure partner?

To know more: https://sapanacarpetmats.com/blogs/news/the-wonders-of-the-wanderers-collection

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