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Improved Safety Benefits Of Nitrile Rubber Backing On Your Floor Mats In Business

City Clean
Improved Safety Benefits Of Nitrile Rubber Backing On Your Floor Mats In Business

There are many advantages to having rubber floor mats in your business. From improved safety to protection for your floors, your business stands to benefit in many ways. However, have you considered how nitrile rubber backing on your floor mats could be offering further benefits? 

Learn more about this feature and how to find mat rentals for your facility.

Nitrile Rubber Backing for Floor Mats

Nitrile rubber backing is a strong material that can be found on several types of mats. When it comes to cleanliness and safety, this material is key. First and foremost, it offers increased slip and skid resistance. This is important to ensure your rubber mats stay in place on your floors and support foot traffic in your business.

Additionally, in anti-fatigue mats such as comfort flow mats and complete comfort mats, nitrile rubber offers superior grease and oil resistance. These mats are also completely launderable so that they can continue to be cleaned and used over time.

How to Find Rubber Mats for Your Business

Are you ready to get started with black rubber matting? If your business is located in the Greater Toronto Area, connect with us at City Clean. We offer an extensive selection of floor mats to support cleanliness and safety in your facility.

Connect with our team to learn more about your options for rubber floor mats with nitrile rubber backing. We’ll guide you in making your selections and help ensure you choose mats that align with the needs of your workplace. From traditional mats to message mats, image mats, anti-fatigue mats, and more – we have you covered.

Choosing Mat Rentals with City Clean

If you’re looking to purchase black rubber matting for your business, you may find that you’re faced with upfront costs and time spent on cleaning and maintaining your mat supply. However, when you choose mat rentals with City Clean, we will maintain a constant supply of quality mats for you. You’ll save time and money because we provide pick-up, cleaning, drop-off, repair, and replacement services.

Further, there’s no large upfront investment to initiate a mat rental service program – only a flat fee for scheduled service, with the exchange of freshly laundered mats.

To learn more about City Clean and your options for floor mats with nitrile rubber backing, contact us. We look forward to learning more about your business and working together on solutions for a cleaner, safer workplace.

Source: https://www.cityclean.ca/learn-about-the-benefits-of-nitrile-rubber-backing-on-your-floor-mats/

City Clean
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