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Internal linking rules followed by a leading Digital Agency Los Angeles

Andrew Bale
Internal linking rules followed by a leading Digital Agency Los Angeles

Many businesses often make the mistake of ignoring the crucial practice of internal linking. Agencies that possess expertise in the field of digital marketing Los Angeles are well aware of the importance of internal links. However, if your digital marketing efforts are being handled by an in-house team that does not have much experience in the field of digital marketing, then it is highly likely that you will miss out on some important marketing practices. 

Internal links are essential not just for making it easier for visitors to explore your website but also for search engines to crawl your website. This is important because the crawlers help in indexing web pages and then these pages appear when relevant searches are made. Internal links also help in creating a hierarchical structure and also create link equity. 

Must-follow Internal Linking Practices 

Internal links also help in keeping the visitor engaged. As they keep clicking through the pages, it signals to search engines that your website is trustworthy. This is positive for SEO as well and can increase your overall conversion rate. However, some practices can also have a negative impact on your SEO. In order to avoid these mistakes, you must hire a leading Digital Marketing Company in Los Angeles. The following are some practices that will help you in improving your user experience as well as SEO rankings: 

Every Page should have Internal Links 

Adding internal links on every single page helps provide a direction to users to explore your website. These internal links could be navigational links that take visitors to web pages such as the contact form or they can be contextual links that help in promoting other blog posts that might be related to the original post. By adding internal links on every single page, you can make sure that your pages are connected and can be accessed by both search engine crawlers as well as users. Internal linking also ensures that you don’t have any orphan pages or confusing hierarchical structures. Although there is no limit to the number of links you can add on every single page, it is suggested to keep the number somewhere below a thousand. 

Strategically Place Your Internal Links 

In order to make sure that the link value is distributed correctly and that users are capable of following internal links from one page to another, you need to place them in a strategic manner throughout your web pages. You can include internal links as site footers, in the navigation menu of your website, and even as breadcrumbs to make it easier for visitors to find pages on your websites. This understanding of where to place your links comes with experience and expertise. You can hire an experienced Digital Agency Los Angeles to ensure that your links are placed correctly throughout the website. 

Only Add Relevant Links 

When creating new content or a new web page, make sure to only add the links that are truly relevant to the context of your webpage. These internal links should be related to each other and should enrich the content. Internal links shouldn’t just be added as an SEO ploy. For instance, there is no point in adding a link to a blog post about heavy machinery to a blog post about dentistry since they are not topically related. Moreover, it is important to remember that Google takes into account the relevancy of the link when evaluating content. Thus, adding relevant links can boost your SEO performance but adding random links can also have a negative effect on your SEO. 


Apart from the aforementioned practices, it is also important to review your internal links on a regular basis. When reviewing internal links, you can fix broken links, add relevant links to newer content and even update the anchor text with fresh keywords. All of this might feel like a ton of added responsibility along with managing a business. Hence, it is advisable to hire a Digital Marketing Company in Los Angeles to ensure that the right internal linking practices are followed.

Andrew Bale
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