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Do You Know About Cyber Security?

Secninjaz Technologies LLP
Do You Know About Cyber Security?

Cyber Security is a protection of computer systems, devices, networks from malicious attacks. It is important because of some digital assets are on risky which is very crucial to us like bank information, or some personal data etc. The cyber security divides into various section like 

  • Network Security
  • Application security
  • Endpoint security
  • Data security 
  • Identity management 
  • Infrastructure security 
  • Cloud-based security 
  • Mobile security 
  • End-user education

There are various types of cyber attacks as well like 

  • Phishing
  • Malware
  • Hacking
  • Ransomware
  • Spamming 
  • SQL Injection 
  • Spoofing
  • Denial of Service Attacks

Cyber security uses the strategy called top-down strategy. There are various cyber security services like

  • Reverse Engineering, 
  • Security Assessment, 
  • Cyber Fraud Protection, 
  • Cyber Risk Management
  • Intelligence-led Penetration Testing
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence

which helps you alot from these cyber attacks. There are some cyber security practices are

  1. Adopt a security strategy that is focused on individuals
  2. Decrease employee negligence levels
  3. Make sure staff members are aware of typical phishing tactics
  4. Prevent remote device access
  5. Securely handle credentials
  6. Apply the least privilege concept.
  7. Watch out for privileged users
  8. Keep track of how others are accessing your info.
  9. Backup your private information.
  10. Create a hierarchy for your cybersecurity policy.
  11. Make sure IoT security is in place and safeguard your corporate network.
  12. Regularly do cybersecurity audits

To know more about cyber security read the blog "what is cybersecurity and its importance".

Secninjaz Technologies LLP
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