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Top Picks for Types of Wall Cladding to Try

Saanvi Sahay

Cladding is a process of adding layers to the wall for enhancing aesthetics and providing protective properties. There are two major types of wall cladding - Exterior and Interior grade. But given the number of options available under these broad categories, choosing the right wall cladding for your commercial and residential spaces can be overwhelming, which is why it is advisable to have basic information about the types of wall cladding materials. That said, read on as we present our top picks for different wall cladding to try.

Exterior Grade Cladding

Exterior grade cladding is known for its exceptional durability, aesthetic value, and weather-resistant properties. Some of the common types of exterior wall cladding include:

Compact Laminate Cladding

Compact laminate cladding is composed of highly durable HPL boards made with layers of Kraft paper and melamine and phenolic resins. Cost-effective, stylish, and low maintenance, compact laminate cladding is one of the best types of wall cladding for various exterior spaces such as auditoriums, shopping malls, hotels, and convention centres.

Wood Cladding

When considering a classic and grand exterior-grade wall cladding option, wood wall cladding is your go-to option. Wood cladding can also be used for achieving an earthy look in homes, hotels, resorts, and even theme-based adventure parks and cottages. Bear in mind, wood cladding is a costly investment. It is also very high-maintenance and may not work well in humid environments and areas with extreme weather conditions.

Porcelain Cladding

This ceramic-based cladding is a preferred choice for exterior cladding applications, as it is a non-porous and dust-resistant material that is also capable of withstanding heat shocks and provides significant strength to the surface. Although attractive in appearance, porcelain cladding is difficult to maintain and susceptible to chipping. It is also not ideal for use on non-standard surfaces. 

Interior Grade Cladding

When it comes to buying interior-grade cladding, aesthetics-related properties are given precedence. Some of the popular interior-grade cladding materials include:

Metal Cladding

Looking to add a rich, eccentric, and visually appealing effect to your building? Metal cladding is your answer! Metal cladding is available in a myriad of shapes that impart a modern, futuristic and elegant look to both residential and commercial properties. There are however downsides like rust, decolouration and fading associated with metal cladding.

3D PVC Wall Cladding

With abstract geometric patterns, staggering bocks, and concept-based themes, 3D PVC wall cladding is a perfect pick for those seeking to go out of the box to experience eye-catching visuals that add a new touch to the interior spaces. 3D PVC wall cladding is an interesting interior-grade cladding material to use for realizing endless ideas. These are not the most popular cladding options, given the fact that scratches and damages show easily on its surface.

HPL Cladding

High-pressure cladding is made by amalgamating kraft paper with thermosetting resins under high pressure, providing them with high durability. Owing to the wide range of options in colours, shades, and textures, HPL cladding proves to be among the top choices for interior designers and architects for embellishing interior spaces. HPL cladding is also low-maintenance and presents benefits such as germs, stain and abrasion resistance.

Final Word

Wall cladding not only helps transform the appearance of walls but also provides stability, and resistance against heat & dust. Among different materials, HPL cladding has proved to be a comprehensive cladding solution that keeps a healthy balance of aesthetics and functionality, while standing the test of time. If you are interested in buying HPL wall cladding for interior or exterior applications, partner with a leading name in the laminate cladding industry that deploys state-of-the-art manufacturing practices to present high-quality cladding solutions.

Saanvi Sahay
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