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What you need to know about types of Indian jewellery?

 What you need to know about types of Indian jewellery?

Jewellery has always been a significant part of India’s culture and heritage.

India is unified through many things and one of the things that unify India is good jewellery.

There is no better collection of jewellery than the one at JCS Jewellers' online and retail stores

Jcs jewellers has an incredible collection of rings for all occasions and other kinds of rings if you are looking to buy diamond rings online then look no further than us

Important occasions and events in India are weddings, engagements, and Diwali among many more. In these times, women especially wear the most amazing jewellery to these functions. They either wear expensive and valuable gold, silver, and diamond jewellery or they wear stylish artificial jewellery. There is a market for every kind of jewellery.

These are the different types of  Indian jewellery available in the shops.

  • Navratna jewellery is done by connecting nine gemstones in a single ornament. The nine gemstones are connected to the well-being of the person wearing them.
  • Bridal jewellery is one of the most popular types of jewellery. During wedding time, the bride and her family are on the lookout for the best bridal jewellery. Bridal jewellery looks exotic and makes the bride look like a queen.
  • Kundan jewellery is also popular in India.  Kundan jewellery has stones on one end and meenakari work on the other end. Kundan jewellery is considered flawless jewellery.
  • Silver jewellery is also popular in India.  Silver can be affordable or expensive and it depends on the quality of the silver you are buying; it is available in many forms just like other jewellery such as silver bracelets, silver rings, silver necklaces etc.
  • There are jewellers who also do custom jewellery for you. Custom jewellery may not be available everywhere and you may need to search offline or online a little to customise something for yourself or your loved ones.
  • The other type of jewellery that is popular is fashion jewellery. Fashion jewellery completes your outfit and makes you look more stylish. India has a lot of online sites such as Carat lane and JCS  where you can choose to buy fashion jewellery.
  • If you are looking to buy diamond bangles online then visit jewellery websites like jcs to get the styles you want. Platinum, gold, and diamonds are still popular and more expensive than other types of jewellery. 
  • There are a lot of women entrepreneurs who sell their handmade jewellery online which you can purchase from websites, Facebook, and Instagram. Handmade jewellery could also be a little more expensive as making handmade items or handmade products are time-consuming.
  • Even antique jewellery is popular in India. Today’s antique collection is made in a contemporary fashion and that is what attracts those who want to wear antique jewellery.

There are many other kinds and types of jewellery available in India that are closely linked to our culture. 

If you want to shop online, there are many sites available to buy whatever style of jewellery you want.

JCS Jewellers is a well-known brand for jadau jewellery and they bring in the customs and traditions from north to Chennai and are renowned for their exceptional designs. If you are looking for jadau bangles online, you should visit JCS Jewellers.

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