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How to Take Care of Your Eyes?

YourSpex (GKB Eyecare Private Limited)
How to Take Care of Your Eyes?

The eyes are the most delicate human organs and play an important role in your life. With the increase in screen time, there is also an increase in eye issues so maintaining good eye health and protecting them from harmful light and UV radiation is something you must include in your routine. 

What is the importance of taking care of your eyes?

Your eyesight is one of your most important senses as it makes you able to see the world, 80% of what we perceive comes through our sense of sight. By protecting your eyes, you will reduce the odds of blindness and vision loss while also staying on top of any developing eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma.


List of important things that you can adopt in daily life to take care of your eyes.

Smart ways that you can implement in life to help keep your eyes healthy and safe.

  • Balanced diet: 

A balanced diet is not just important for eye health but it will help you maintain overall health. Go for a diet that can provide good levels of proteins and vitamins that you need to keep yourself healthy. You can also consult a dietician who can help you with your diet chart.

  • Go for Regular exercise

Good exercise and a balanced diet are all you need to stay fit and healthy for a long. People who add a balanced diet and a schedule of exercise stay fit and live longer.

  • Wear sunglasses that block UVA and UVB light.

Exposure to sunlight can be a reason for vision damage and also hurt your eyes and skin. UV radiation available in the atmosphere can be a reason for damaging your vision or hurting them badly so always wear sunglasses that offers UVA and UVB light protection.

Even on a cloudy day, go for sunglasses because UV radiation is always there in the atmosphere.

  • Limit your exposure to digital screens.

In the digital era, when we have everything in our hands we have become more dependent on mobiles and use them more often. To protect your eyes, you must take a regular breaks and do eye exercises to limit your exposure to digital screens.

  • Wash your hands before touching your eyes.

Maintaining hygiene is also important for good eye health. Wash your hands before touching your eyes because the bacteria and germs in your hand can hurt your eyes.

  • Wear reading glasses while reading

People wear reading glasses solely to enlarge the smaller prints, which facilitates them to improve their up-close vision. They not just offer a better reading experience but also protect the eyes.

  • Go for spectacles that can protect your eyes from blue light.

Thousands of spectacles styles are available in the market that you can buy to correct your vision. While going for buying a spectacle, make sure they provide eye protection or filtration of blue light.

  • Protect your eyes from air debris and other particles.

Goggles or the addition of a face shield may be needed for greater risks for protection for the eyes. When working with airborne dust and flying debris, safety goggles may be a better option than safety glasses. Safety goggles provide more complete protection by forming a tight facial seal.

  • Go for regular eye checkups.

Going for regular eye checkups or booking eye checkups at home can help you keep your eye healthy. Regular check-ups make your vision correction and can improve the quality of day-to-day life. They will help detect certain eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration, which could lead to sight loss. poor vision could be a risk for fall.


Now that you know everything keep your eyes healthy and safe. Implement the changes in your life to keep yourself healthy and fit and to maintain good eye health.


YourSpex (GKB Eyecare Private Limited)
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