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Popular Helium Hotspot Miners to Buy

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Popular Helium Hotspot Miners to Buy

Many cryptocurrencies collapse almost as fast as they started. To stand the test of the market, projects need to provide real-world utility, which is likely why Helium has taken off over the last couple of years. Now the world’s largest decentralized LoRaWAN® network, Helium serves as an accessible and low-cost way to connect things across the Internet and offers an alternative option to traditional wireless networks. It’s powered by small devices known as Helium hotspots or Helium miners, which are commercially available and can be easily deployed by anyone. Today, Helium is utilized by individuals, companies, and businesses across the world—meaning, Helium provides tangible services and benefits outside of crypto space.

The good news for anyone interested in joining Helium is that, instead of buying and trading HNT crypto tokens, you have the option to mine them instead. All you need to get started is a good Helium hotspot. Here, we break down the best Helium hotspots, including the most popular options for crypto newbies. You don’t need to purchase all of these when starting your journey with Helium. Take this as a guide to help you select the right one for you and go from there.

MNTD. Goldspot, $249

Ships from the US, Canada, EU, UK, and Australia

One of the more high-quality devices in Helium space right now is the MNTD. Goldspot is the premium version of their standard Helium hotspot miner. It features a large 8GB RAM, which helps safeguard against unexpected blockchain challenges. The brand has also developed its mobile device management app. You can set up your hotspot in minutes and easily monitor activity.

Bobcat Miner 300, $429

A popular choice among the Helium community, the Bobcat Miner 300 is one of the most foolproof Helium hotspots money can buy. It’s equipped with its extendable 4dbi antenna, a high-performance Rockchip PX30 processor, a whopping 64GB of storage, as well as OTA (over-the-air) updates that let you manage your device remotely. Famously, it also takes less than 1$ per month to operate. Easy on the pocket, high on returns.

RAK Hotspot V2, $259

Ships from China

One of the most prominent manufacturers of Helium hotspots, RAKwireless’s RAK Hotspot V2 is a fool-proof choice for beginners. It’s equipped with all your essential features: efficient HNT-mining capabilities, complete mobile setup in minutes, remote device management via the app, and full radio certifications. On top of that, this bestselling hotspot only uses about 5W of power—lower than your standard internet router.

SenseCAP M1 Indoor Hotspot Miner, $519

Lastly, SenseCAP’s M1 hotspot is great for indoor setups. It offers a high data transfer rate, connects to the Helium network in a matter of minutes, and lets you create LoRa applications at low costs. Its sleek and compact design also never looks out of place in a home environment. Best positioned near a window, this high-performance hotspot is a top contender if you’re only planning to set up indoors.

When you deploy a Helium hotspot yourself, you’re helping to keep the network functional by adding one more device to their global network of devices. These devices form the backbone of Helium’s decentralized network. By mining HNT with a Helium hotspot, you’re not only earning crypto rewards but also contributing to the entire network’s usability and longevity. Deploy your hotspot today!

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