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All The Benefits Of Olive Hummus Through Its Ingredients

Earthmade Organix
All The Benefits Of Olive Hummus Through Its Ingredients

Hummus is one of the most popular foods from the Middle East to have made its way around the world. Foodies and health conscious eaters like this hearty condiment for its wholesome goodness. Nowadays, there are many different varieties of hummus made available, including the olive hummus. With the infusion of olives in the classic recipe, this variant of the hummus is a twist to tradition and makes for a great choice of dip or appetizer. At the same time, it also brings several benefits through its various ingredients. Let us take a look at the benefits of the various ingredients of olive hummus:

Chickpeas: The main ingredient of olive hummus is chickpeas and it is a rich source of fibre and plant protein. It also an excellent source of manganese and the B vitamin folate which boost metabolic processes within the body. Chickpeas also have a low glycaemic index, which makes them a good food for diabetes management.

Garlic: The garlic present in the olive hummus has anti-inflammatory properties which eases blood pressure. Garlic is also good for boosting immunity and helps in reducing cholesterol. It is also rich in powerful antioxidants that are known to improve memory.

Olives: Olives, which are added for flavour in the classic hummus, are known for being rich in Vitamin E and in antioxidants. They are also an excellent source of iron and calcium, linked to reduced risk of osteoperosis in adults. 

Sesame Seeds: Tahini, the thick paste added in olive hummus, is made from sesame seeds which are a rich source of iron and fibre. Additionally, they are good for heart health and maintaining hormonal balance in the body. It is known to be a good source of calcium, which improves muscle movement and blood flow. 

Lemon Powder: The addition of lemon powder to the olive hummus gives it a balance of flavours. Lemon is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants which makes it beneficial for the overall health of the body. Consumption of lemons can reduce the risk of heart diseases and strokes and also improves digestion.

When you want to try authentic olive hummus, try the original olive hummus from Earthmade Organix. The entire hummus range of Earthmade Organix is certified organic and is made from the choicest organic ingredients to give you pure good taste in every bite.

Earthmade Organix
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