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How Do I Convert Data to an Interactive Map in Excel?

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How Do I Convert Data to an Interactive Map in Excel?

How Do I Convert Data to an Interactive Map in Excel? Manually attempting to map location data from Excel takes time and effort. Plenty of mapping tools are complicated or cumbersome, so make sure whatever software you choose allows automatic uploads of Excel data. The easiest option is third-party mapping software that automatically uploads your information to the map, creating a beautiful and custom map without the painstaking process of manually adding markers.

If you choose GIS software to create the map, look for a bulk upload function. The bulk upload function will automatically pin the locations within your spreadsheet using coordinates, addresses, or other location-specific details. Once the upload finishes, you’ll have a completely interactive map with custom markers.

Alternatively, you can use Excel software to chart values and show categories across geographical regions. This method is a bit more time-consuming and will often hold strict limitations on the functionality of the map.

How to Create an Interactive Map with Mapping Software

Creating your map using Excel data is relatively simple. Sign up for a free trial of the third-party software or log into the GIS software account. If you don’t have a program, look for one offering a fully functional trial to get a feel for the process before spending money. On the dashboard, select the “create your first map” option. You’ll want to give your map a name and enter any description of the map into the field below. When ready to start, select the “continue” option.

The most mapping software will prompt an upload from your Excel file at this time. The software will create a map from Excel, integrating all your customer information simultaneously. There are a few different ways to upload the data, whether you choose the copy-and-paste method, direct upload, or manual entry. Alternatively, you can use the API functionality to connect data directly to the map for real-time updates, connect your Google Spreadsheet data to the platform, or manually enter the information into a blank map.

After the information uploads to the software, users can manually select the columns to include the location data. These will automatically match to categories within the software, allowing complete customization. When finished, share the maps, embed them into different blog posts, or integrate them into marketing materials.

See Also: 5 Best Microsoft Office Alternatives

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