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It’s Raining Discounts at DrySign! This Holiday Season, Get 35% off On All DrySign plans! | DrySign By Exela

DrySign by Exela
It’s Raining Discounts at DrySign! This Holiday Season, Get 35% off On All DrySign plans! | DrySign By Exela

It’s that time of the year again – Halloween is over, and November has brought the holiday season that everyone’s been waiting for! With wallets strapped and emotions running high, customers are increasingly looking for brands that can provide personalized, convenient solutions to make their lives easier and better – at a discount! Business owners are no different. Gone are the days when discounts meant only clothes, accessories, or cosmetics! With ever-changing consumer expectations and market trends, organizations and business owners are always on the lookout for the latest digital solutions that can help them stay on top of the competition. Solutions like electronic signatures or e-signatures, for that matter!

They asked, and we heard! DrySign celebrates this holiday season with BIG discounts on all plans, starting 21st November 2022!!

DrySign, an end-to-end digital signature solution, allows businesses to leverage confidential, data-driven business operations from anywhere, anytime, from any internet-enabled device. DrySign isn’t just a product; it provides an experience like none other without costing users a fortune.

A part of Exela’s growing suite of home office solutions, DrySign focuses on supporting businesses and individuals to effortlessly and efficiently navigate daily document signing workflows amidst remote work arrangements. If offers an easy-to-use, cost-effective, secure, and legal electronic signature solution that helps businesses transform their documentation processes and operations. Besides being cost-effective, DrySign also helps improve TATs, enhances productivity at the workplace, and supports businesses embracing green, sustainable initiatives.

That being said, here’s how much one of our clients, a leading organization, saved internally over 3 years, using DrySign:

  • $4.2M in 3 years
  • 4953 hours per team in 3 years
  • $115,497 per team in 3 years
  • 390 hours per team in printing over 3 years
  • $178 per team in printing
  • 2439+ docs signed over 3 years

Want to save as much as they did and more? Let’s begin today!

Our exclusive Holiday Offer gives you 35% off on ANY DrySign plan: https://www.exela.digital/07b

DrySign by Exela
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