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Cargo Insurance: Breaking Down The Basics

Mayflower Insurance
Cargo Insurance: Breaking Down The Basics

There are many reasons why you might be considering getting cargo insurance on your goods. Nowadays, pretty much anything can be shipped if it is packaged properly! In fact, more than $700 billion worth of goods is shipped to and from the US alone each year, which means there is a lot at stake when shipping cargo without the proper protection.

What is cargo insurance?

Cargo insurance is a policy that provides coverage for the loss or damage of goods during transportation. This type of insurance is also known as freight insurance or marine cargo insurance. It is important to have this type of insurance in place when shipping goods, as it will protect you financially if something happens to your shipment.

There are two main types of cargo insurance: all-risk and limited perils. All-risk policies provide coverage for all risks except those specifically excluded in the policy. Limited perils policies, on the other hand, only cover specific perils such as fire, theft, or collision.

The amount of coverage you need will depend on the value of your goods and the mode of transportation. For example, if you are shipping high-value items by air, you will need a higher level of coverage than if you are shipping lower-value items by ground.

Cargo insurance can be purchased through an insurer or through a third-party provider such as a freight forwarder or carrier. If you purchase insurance through an insurer, you will need to get a separate policy for each shipment. If you purchase insurance through a third-party provider, they will usually include coverage in their quote for your shipment.

Types of Coverage

There are three types of cargo insurance: all-risk named perils and Hull & Machinery. All-risk coverage is the most comprehensive and covers damage from any cause except those that are specifically excluded in the policy. Named perils coverage only protects against the causes specifically named in the policy. Hull & Machinery coverage protects against physical damage to the vessel and its machinery.


All-risk cargo insurance is the most comprehensive type of coverage available. It protects against damage from any cause except those that are specifically excluded in the policy. Some common exclusions include war, nuclear hazard, and inherent vice. All-risk policies typically have a higher premium than other types of coverage because they provide more protection.

Named Perils

Named perils cargo insurance only protects against the causes specifically named in the policy. This type of coverage is typically less expensive than all-risk because it does not cover as many potential risks. Some commonly named perils include fire, theft, and weather-related damage.

Hull & Machinery

Hull & Machinery cargo insurance protects against physical damage to the vessel and its machinery. This type of coverage is typically used for vessels that are carrying high-value cargo or traveling in areas with a high risk of piracy or other threats to safety.

Why get cargo insurance?

There are many reasons to get cargo insurance. For one, it can protect your business in the event of a loss. If your goods are damaged or stolen while in transit, you may be able to recoup some of your losses with insurance. Additionally, cargo insurance can give you peace of mind knowing that your goods are covered in case of an accident.

 Cargo insurance can also help you avoid financial difficulties if your goods are lost or stolen. With insurance, you will not have to bear the entire cost of replacing your lost or damaged merchandise. This can be a huge relief, especially for businesses that rely on their shipments to make a profit.

Finally, having cargo insurance can show clients and customers that you are a responsible company that takes steps to protect its investments. This can instill confidence in those who do business with you and help you attract new customers.

How to apply for cargo liability insurance?

Liability insurance for cargo is designed to protect the shipper against claims arising from loss or damage to the cargo while in transit. It is important to note that this type of insurance does not cover the value of the cargo itself, but only provides protection in the event that someone sues the shipper for damages.

There are a few different ways to get cargo liability insurance. The most common way is to purchase a policy from an insurance company that specializes in this type of coverage. There are also some freight forwarders and logistics companies that offer this type of coverage as part of their services.

To get started, you will need to gather some basic information about your shipping operation. This includes the types of goods you ship, your average shipment value, your countries of origin and destination, and your expected frequency of shipments. With this information in hand, you can begin shopping around for quotes from different insurers.

When comparing quotes, be sure to pay attention to the policy limits and deductibles that each company offers. You will also want to make sure that the coverage you choose is adequate for your needs. Once you have found a policy that meets your needs, you can apply for coverage online or through the insurer's agent or broker.

Why do you need cargo insurance?

There are a number of reasons why you might need cargo insurance. If you're shipping goods domestically or internationally, cargo insurance can protect your shipment in the event that something goes wrong. That could include damage or loss due to weather, accidents, theft, or other unforeseen circumstances.

Motor Truck Cargo Insurance can give you peace of mind that your goods will arrive safely at their destination. It can also help you avoid financial losses if something does go wrong. If you're shipping high-value items, cargo insurance can be particularly important.

Before you ship your goods, be sure to research different cargo insurance options and choose a policy that meets your needs.

Mayflower Insurance
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