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Driveway Repaving - 8 Signs That Indicate Your Driveway Needs to Be Repaved

Driveway Repaving - 8 Signs That Indicate Your Driveway Needs to Be Repaved

A driveway is a significant investment for any home. It is also one of the first things visitors see when they come to your house. For these reasons, it is important to keep your driveway in good condition. But how do you know when it’s time to repave your driveway? There are a few key indicators that can let you know when it’s time to call a professional for driveway repaving services. In this blog post, we will go over 8 signs that your driveway needs to be repaved. By the end, you will know exactly when it’s time to take action and call a professional!

Deep Cracks:

When your driveway is developing deep cracks, it’s time to repave it. These cracks can get wider and deeper over time, which will cause more damage to your driveway. If you ignore these cracks and do nothing about them, they will eventually spread across your entire driveway. This will cause more damage and make it harder for you to repair or replace your driveway later on.

Crumbling or Missing Asphalt:

If there are chunks of asphalt missing from your driveway, then this is an indicator that it may be time for some repair work. This type of damage is caused by water seeping into the cracks and freezing during winter months. If left untreated, this type of damage can lead to major problems like a crumbling foundation or missing asphalt altogether!

Oil Spots:

Oil spots can also be a sign that it is time to repave your driveway. Oil spots are caused by oil and other liquids from vehicles leaking onto the surface of your driveway. This can cause stains on your asphalt and make it look bad. 

If there are oil spots on your driveway, then this may be a sign that something needs to be done with the surface of your driveway before more damage is done!

Water Ponding:

If you notice water pooling in any part of your driveway, whether it be from rain or even from melting snow, this is a sign that your driveway needs to be repaved. Water can cause serious damage if left on your driveway for too long, so it’s important to address this issue as soon as possible.

Uneven Surfaces:

An uneven surface is not only unsightly but can also be dangerous for your vehicle and other vehicles that use your driveway every day. If there are areas where the pavement has sunk or risen up significantly, it may be time to call paving companies for driveway repair services.

Excess Gravel or Dirt in the Driveway:

If there is excess gravel or dirt on your driveway, it is likely that there are cracks underneath. Over time, these cracks will get larger and larger until they are large enough for weeds and other debris to grow through. The best way to avoid this issue is to have your driveway repaved on a regular basis.

Debris or weeds are growing in your driveway:

Debris or weeds growing in your driveway can indicate that there are holes in the surface of your asphalt. These holes can be caused by erosion from rainwater runoff and weathering from sun exposure. In order to prevent further deterioration of your asphalt, it’s important to have it repaired as soon as possible!


Potholes are a common problem in driveways, and they can be very dangerous for vehicles. 

A pothole is an indentation in the surface of your driveway that results from water seeping into cracks and freezing over winter. When spring arrives, the ice melts, and water drains away, leaving behind an empty space in the ground where water used to be. 

Over time, this can lead to serious structural damage to your driveway. If you notice potholes forming, it’s time to call a professional for driveway repaving services!

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