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How To Improve Outbound Call Center Efficiency Using Cloud Telephony?

MCUBE-VMC Technology pvt ltd
How To Improve Outbound Call Center Efficiency Using Cloud Telephony?

While considering customer satisfaction for your product/service it becomes impendent to consider the importance of a call centre. Companies sustain and owe their businesses to the customers and it becomes crucial to keep them convinced and pleased that they are being taken care of and the company listens to them when they need help. That is exactly when a call centre comes in handy. The round the year availability of the company’s representative during the customers' inconvenience, answering their questions, providing them with optimal solutions and assisting them in problems relating to the service/product is what keeps their faith in the company intact. However, we also need to consider the company’s vantage point as well. An outbound call centre justifies the company’s growth in sales and revenue along with excellent customer service.

An outbound call centre is where the representatives of the company make calls to the customers on behalf of the company for sales, telemarketing, verifications, contact updating or surveys. Outbound call centres assist the company in increasing retention rates, creating more leads and is more cost-effective than a traditional sales team. Cloud telephony services contribute immensely towards operating outbound calls with the help of various convenient tools and features that also improve the efficiency of the outbound call centre.


Here are a few pointers that validate the argument in favour of utilizing cloud telephony for the enhancement of outbound call centre proficiency.


1. Implementing the Missed Call Service – 

A missed call service is one of the most resourceful yet most underrated features of cloud telephony that can become an invaluable asset when it comes to boosting your outbound call centre. The missed call alert service works flawlessly in the coordination of an effective marketing strategy, a systematic call routing and a dexterous outbound call centre. To properly implement the service, an understanding of the workings is important. With the help of an efficacious strategy, it is vital to create the need for customers to call on an assigned number. The customer should see the call as essential for their requirement and not so much as a sales tactic. As the customer gets interested in the service, they dial the number that eventually redirects them to the proper database centre with the help of a systematic routing system and disconnects the call after just a single ring. In the meanwhile, the information of the customer is stored in the database and an acknowledgement is sent to the customer ensuring a call back at the convenience of their time. When the outbound representative gets the database, it becomes simpler and easier for the agent to provide a call back to the customer at their desired time which boosts the interest of the customer in the pitch. Also, the missed call service sorts the customers who are interested in the service/product from the random calls.    


2. Switching to Autodialer instead of Manual Dialing – 

An autodialer is an intelligent choice when it comes to outbound calls. The work of an autodialer is quite simple yet it gives the agents potential leads and successful conversion rates due to its efficiency and power of cataloguing. An autodialer automatically dials all the contacts in the database and then routes only the calls to the agent which are responded to by the customer. Along with real-time monitoring, an autodialer facilitates reduced agent idle time and agent fatigue by maximizing productivity and conversion rates. It automatically detects and discards the dead leads and ensures a higher call connect ratio. An autodialer also helps in making the pitch more personalized when you update some customer information to the database with the lead like demography, interest in service/product, etc.   


3. Using Verified Business Numbers – 

Outbound call centres depend on how many customers are willing to pick up the call. But with technological advances and applications, many of the customers reject generic numbers that instigate red flags such as sales numbers. This diminishes the interest of the customer and the conversion rate for the company. Customers do not want to invest time in unverified random calls let alone invest their money in their cause. So, getting the official outbound number verified increases the call pick up rate and builds trust from the customer’s side.   


4. Utilizing the Call Recording & Monitoring Features – 

The call recording and monitoring features of the cloud telephony solution is another useful tool that helps in enhancing the efficiency of the outbound call centre. The calls taken by the agents should be recorded and analyzed to understand if the customers are being provided with solutions properly or the sales pitch are being executed according to the customers' interests. Also, call monitoring includes to call barging and call whispering where the agents can be guided by quality control when they are about to handle a tricky situation. With call barging and call whispering, it’s easier to assist and teach inexperienced agents and improve their conversion quality increasing the outbound call productivity.    


5. Scrutinizing Quality Lead via CRM Panel – 

Businesses depend on generating a quality lead for their revenue growth. It is imperative as well to generate good leads while focusing on outbound campaigns. There are various social media or email campaigns, telemarketing or third-party campaigns and other ways that ensure thoroughly segmented and detailed customer profiling creating potential leads. All these analytics is done through a proficient CRM panel which proves an important tool in improving outbound calls. A good analysis of the data from all the channels accumulated through an omnichannel configuration using the CRM panel helps in keeping track and generating potential leads. These potential leads become the foundation for an increase in conversion rates through outbound calls. 


SOURCE- How To Improve Outbound Call Center Efficiency Using Cloud Telephony?

MCUBE-VMC Technology pvt ltd
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