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How to Recover OST to PST?

eSoftTools Software
How to Recover OST to PST?

Are you facing any problem while accessing data from Outlook OST files? Want a solution to recover OST to PST files but unable to get results? If yes, then stop your search, because with the article we will provide you the solution for your query “How to recover OST to PST ?”.


As we know at this time MS Outlook is the most popular desktop based email application and most of the users are using Outlook for managing their email profile. Outlook comes at an affordable price and provides a secure environment for emailing and offers advanced features.

What is OST to PST?

Outlook mail client creates both OST files and PST files for the users to store their email profile data locally. OST stands for (Offline Storage Table). It is a replica of a mailbox that is available on the server that is connected with an Outlook account. It stores all emails, messages, events, dates, calendar, contacts, and attachments. 

OST files, Outlook creates when users configure their Exchange or IMAP account in Outlook. The several connection failures issues sometimes makes the OST files data inaccessible in Outlook.

PST stands for Personal Storage Table, which Outlook uses as the default file format for preserving users profile data that users can access locally at any time.

Why do we need to convert OST to PST?

Data Loss:- The server connection failure issue makes the OST files orphaned or inaccessible in Outlook and users are required to export their Outlook profile data from corrupt OST files to readable PST files.

Import Data:- Moving OST files directly to Outlook is not possible. So, when they need to transfer data from an OST file to another Outlook profile, they need to convert OST to PST files.

Method to Recover OST to PST for free

Automatically repair corrupt OST files and recover data from OST to PST files through the solution called eSoftTools OST to PST converter software. 

This software has the best features to swiftly convert OST into PST file format. It provides the best results for recovering OST file’s data and saving all data to healthy PST files. 

Features of eSoftTools OST to PST converter software

  • Multiple file formats :- This software provides multiple file formats to export and save OST file’s data like- PST, EML, EMLX, Office 365, Yahoo Mail, Gmail, etc. 

  • Recover Corrupted OST:- Recovers all data from corrupt OST files and saves them to healthy PST files. 

  • Recover selective folders data:- By using this software users can export data from specific folders of OST file to PST files.

  • Advanced email filtration :- Users can filter their emails by date range and export emails of specific dates to PST files.     

  • Convert OST to MBOX:- Users can Convert OST to MBOX files and save mail folders of Outlook OST files.

Working of eSoftTools OST to PST converter software

  1. Download, Install and open OST to PST Recovery software 
  2. Import OST files into the software and load all its inner data.
  3. Load all data and preview of each item from the OST file on the preview panel. 
  4. Click Save OST button and select “PST file” from conversion options.
  5. Use a mail filter by date range function or select a saving location. 
  6. Finally, press the Convert button to start the OST to PST file recovery. 


Demo version 

This software provides a free trial version to the users to convert an OST file for free with 25 items from each folder. 


I hope you will understand about “How to Recover OST to PST?” With the help of this article. Now take help of the Automated Method shown above and and recover OST file data and save them to the new PST file easily.

eSoftTools Software
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