React is an open-source JavaScript library used by many top companies to create sophisticated User interfaces. React JS is essential for single-page app development. Some well-known tech companies use React, including Instagram, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, etc.
Before hiring a React developer, you should evaluate their experience with proper technical analysis and other aspects. But before we get started, let's take a look at the expertise a ReactJS developer needs!
Consider the Following Expertise When Hiring React JS Developers
EcmaScript and JavaScript
ReactJS developers should have a good knowledge of JS features, syntax, and functions. Experience with DOM manipulation, ES6 syntax, JavaScript panes, functions, event bubbling, and lifting is required. A detailed understanding of EcmaScript is essential to creating spontaneous React applications.
Technical Expertise
Top Leading developers should know about JSON, advanced HTML and HTML5, Scsslint, ESLint, and Rest APIs. They must know different React core concepts, such as props, JSX, component lifecycle methods, hooks, class, functional components, etc. Also, they should be proficient in other tech platforms like Jira, Zoho, Jenkins, etc.
The finest developers should be familiar with JSON, Enhanced HTML and HTML5, Scsslint, ESLint, and REST APIs. You should know some React core concepts such as Props, JSX, component lifecycle methods, hooks, classes, functional components, etc. You should also be familiar with other technology platforms such as Jira, Zoho, and Jenkins.
Testing Tools and Frameworks
ReactJS developers should be familiar with using unit testing frameworks and technologies such as Mocha, Chai, Sinon, Tape, and Jest. You should be familiar with integration testing tools such as Karma.
Additionally, knowledge of React libraries and frameworks, React-Hooks-Testing-Library, and Ant Design would be an added advantage.
Flexible Learning Curve
React has great community support. This is one of the best libraries for web development that is undergoing big changes and advancements every day. Developers should be able to know about technology updates and changes as needed.
Apart from these skills, consider interpersonal skills such as accepting mistakes, communicating effectively, working in teams, managing change, creative thinking, and dealing with constructive feedback.
How to Hire the Best React Developers?
Decide Basic Goals and Requirements
The most important step is to efficiently establish your project's requirements. Decide the primary objectives you want to achieve by hiring React developers.
Shortlist Developers/Development Teams
After deciding your objectives, you should proceed to select the best-fit ReactJS development company by reviewing their resumes.
Discuss Your Project Requirements
You should discuss project requirements with the chosen company and discover the strategies they utilize to meet those requirements. This can be done in person or through a meeting.
Review and Compare Offers
Make sure of reviewing and comparing all proposals and offers from various companies. It will assist you in selecting the best one for your project needs.
Choose a Payment Model
Finally, it would be beneficial having to decide on a payment model that takes into account the overall budget and project plan. ReactJS developers can be hired on a part-time or full-time basis. Otherwise, you can hire them on an hourly, weekly, or monthly basis and assess the success of your project accordingly.
ReactJS provides a number of benefits, including easy coding, maintenance across the SDLC, increased productivity, and quick rendering of robust products. To receive all of these benefits, you should work with a reputable and experienced React development firm. You can develop a high-performing product with the right organization.