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8 Facts about the Egg Donation Process You Didn’t Know

first step surrogacy
8 Facts about the Egg Donation Process You Didn’t Know

There could be different reasons for becoming an egg donor. Maybe you want to help struggling couples and egg donation is one of the best options. No matter what’s your motivation, knowing the entire process thoroughly is the key. You might have read thousands of things about this egg donation or donating your eggs, but as we know half of the information out there is not beneficial.

In this blog, we’ll be highlighting the facts about the egg donation process that you need to know before moving in this direction:

1. 15 eggs or less is needed for retrieval

Generally, 15 oocytes are the ideal number for the retrieval process because 15 eggs have the maximum probability of live birth. Naturally, every woman manages to produce 5-10 follicles per ovary with one or two of these maturing every month.

The ultimate goal of egg donation is to help stimulate this higher number of oocytes but it will do so in a protected way. This further reduces the risk of diseases such as Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS).

2. Every clinic monitors the post-retrieval of donors differently

Every clinic has its own way of monitoring potential egg donors. Usually, clinics monitor donors for a week or more after retrieval. Sometimes they send you home and ask you to call when it's urgent. So, if you need more aftercare and want to feel more comfortable, then look for such a clinic before proceeding.

3. Take a look at your insurance before becoming a donor

There are several donor programs that may offer medical insurance policies. Some donor programs may offer you medical insurance policies to cover the egg donation process. On the other hand, a few may require the donor to buy extra insurance. Several insurance plans are for 90 days and incorporate the retrieval process, medication process, and so on.

4. Egg donors are often young

As the number of eggs a woman begins to decline as soon as she’s born, more youthful females are the best candidates for these types of donations. But, due to the emotional breakdown that happens during the egg donation process, various clinics ensure their donors should be at least 21 years old to handle everything.

5. Understand the difference between the fresh and frozen egg donation

Fresh and frozen egg donation indeed has the same process. However, the time required for a fresh egg donor can be quite longer comparatively. Because experts need the donor’s and recipient’s cycles synchronized before implantation. As a result, fresh donor egg is usually far more time-consuming and costly.

6. Allow recipient moms to share a genetic connection with their baby

This fact is possibly the most overwhelming of them all. According to studies, moms who opt for the egg donation process still affect their baby’s genes while carrying them in the womb. Lacking a genetic bond often worries potential donor egg IVF applicants, but this fact can give them the peace of mind they need.

7. Time commitment is the key

Egg donation is a long process, from inception to finish. As a donor, you need to go through all types of pre-screening tests, which can take up to 6 weeks. Then, they’ll need to prepare themselves for retrieval that again takes up to 6 weeks. This is due to the hormones required.

8. Be a kind helper

The egg donation process helps a lot for women. But many women prefer this process to help struggling couples and fill their world with happiness. We know that egg donation is not an easy process because medical screening and medicines may take a toll. However, when you see the happiness on the couple’s face, you’ll feel that everything was worth it.

Bottom Line

The egg donation process is a different experience for different people. But the best part is you’ll love to see couples happy with a baby they dreamt of. If you want to be a part of this breathtaking journey, educate yourself, understand how this works, consult your doctor, and move ahead in this process.

We hope that the above-mentioned information will help you make better decisions. If you have any questions contact us at First Step Surrogacy today.

first step surrogacy
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