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With Mood Disorder Management, You Can No Longer Be Concerned About Your Mood Disorder

Houston Family Practice
With Mood Disorder Management, You Can No Longer Be Concerned About Your Mood Disorder

Every day, life is an emotional whirlwind. You can experience complete fulfillment one day as a result of a well-known promotion or an outstanding exam result. You can experience a poor day one day as a result of a broken relationship, monetary difficulties, or a flat tire while enroute to work. These are the regular, cyclical mood fluctuations. If your mood starts to affect your daily activities, as well as your interactions with friends, family, coworkers, and other professionals, you may have a mood disorder. Then you should think about where you can get the best advice regarding mood disorder management. 

An abrupt change in mood that makes it difficult to carry out daily chores is the defining feature of mood disorders. Despite the fact that there are numerous variations, the three primary states of mood disorders are depressed, manic, and bipolar. Major depressive disorder is characterized by an all-encompassing depressive mood. Elevated moods have traits of mania or hypomania. Alternating manic and depressed mood fluctuations are a hallmark of bipolar mood disorders. Along with mood type and subtype, these disorders come in a variety of strengths and severity. Weight loss medication, also known as weight loss drug or anti-obesity medication, is a prescription medication that suppresses your appetite and food cravings. The FDA has recently approved a number of anti-obesity medications that help control appetite and food cravings. For instance, dysthymic disorder is a less severe version of major depression, while cyclothymic disorder is thought to be a variant of bipolar illness that is similar but less severe.

  • Cause and effect of mood disorders:- 

Why do mood disorders occur? Scientists and medical professionals alike agree that both biological and environmental factors are at play, despite the fact that they do not yet have a conclusive answer to this question. Even while the likelihood of experiencing a mood disorder is generally low, the likelihood is raised if family members have experienced them. The emergence of mood disorders is also believed to be a result of traumatic life events. Your personal connections, professional life, and academic pursuits can all be negatively impacted by mood disorders. In some cases, abusing drugs or alcohol may be the cause of your illness. Whether it’s the management of mood disorder, management of hypertension, or medical clearance for surgery, a good healthcare provider like Houston Family Practice can help.

  • Prevalence of mood disorders:- 

It has been discovered that 20% of the general population experiences mood disorders at any given time. More specifically, it is estimated that 17% of Americans will experience depression at some point in their lives, but just 1% of people in the country will have bipolar disorder. Experts agree that a significant reduction in the reported prevalence of manic episodes is due to the fact that many of them usually go unnoticed or are perceived as unproblematic. It is advisable to consult with a general practitioner in Houston regarding this issue. 

  • How Are Mood Disorders Diagnosed?:-

A healthcare professional may do a medical examination if you or your kid exhibit signs of a mood disorder to rule out physiological causes for symptoms, such as thyroid disease, other illnesses, or a vitamin shortage. Antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics are common medications used in mood disorder management. Your healthcare professional will inquire about your medical history, any drugs you are currently taking, and whether you or any members of your family have ever received a diagnosis of a mood illness. They might suggest a mental health specialist to you. Your symptoms, eating and sleeping patterns, and other behaviors will be discussed during an interview or survey conducted by a mental health specialist, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist. To make diagnoses of mood disorders, they use criteria in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. A mood disorder is typically identified when sorrow, joy, anger, or another emotion is:-

  1. Overly intense and persistent.
  2. Accompanied by other mood disorder symptoms, such as activity level changes or sleep changes.
  3. Significantly affects/ impairs the individual's capacity to function.

  • Get In Touch With Us:-

At Houston Family Practice, our main goal is to make sure that our patients live active, healthy lives. We are aware that every patient is different, and we make an effort to make sure that everyone reaches wellness through customized treatment plans, dietary guidance, and monitoring. Your life should be the best it can be, according to us. Get in touch with us for mood disorder management.

Houston Family Practice
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