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How do I get a refund from Air New Zealand?

jennifer jenkins
How do I get a refund from Air New Zealand?

How do I get a refund from Air New Zealand?

As time went by, the aviation companies understood that people, in general, were getting busier. And that has incurred their need of being able to multitask with every task, not taking more than just a few minutes. Well, keeping that in mind the, aviation companies like Air New Zealand have brought about a massive change in the Air New Zealand reservation and cancellation policy and process. Now even after being seated in a meet, you can check how do you get a refund from Air New Zealand online and also apply for the same. So if you were bothered about “can I get a full refund from Air New Zealand?” then you will have to read the blog till the last to know the answer. Get help by calling on the Air New Zealand phone numbers that are:  +64(0)93573000 and +64(0)93082122 or our agents at +1-888-894-2072.

Air New Zealand reservation and cancellation policy

To get the refund, you will have to refer to the official website of Air New Zeland, and for that, the URL is www.airnewzeland.co.nz

  • Ensure that any other website does not scam you because the authority to provide a refund is only available on the Air New Zealand official website.
  • When you reach the official website, you will have to go to the “my trip,” which, when clicked, will take you to the page that will give you the details of “how to get a refund from Air New Zealand.”
  • For applying for a refund, you will have to write the booking reference number, last name, and travel date.
  • It is only after that your refund request will be initiate.
  • Ensure that you have a refundable ticket because Air New Zealand does not provide a refund for tickets that are “non-refundable.”
  • When you cancel your tickets within 24 hours of booking, then only you are given a complete refund of the booking amount. Other than that, you will not get a refund.
  • The least amount of money is refund if you cancel your tickets 24 hours before the flight’s departure.
  • Even then, if you have issues understanding any of the above-mentioned points, there is an Air New Zealand refund contact number that, when called up, will guide you through. The number are as follows: +64(0)93573000, +64(0)93082122 or our agents at +1-888-894-2072.

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jennifer jenkins
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