There are different kinds of essays, reports, and academic papers, each having a unique method of completion. There are different techniques to follow for writing a good report, but the basic structure of every piece of writing remains the same, which consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion. Every report also has citations; the types of citations can vary depending on the discipline. In simple words, you can say that your report is not complete without citations, which is only one component of a report. Citations add credibility and authenticity to your work and specify the sources from where you have collected the data.
Different disciplines or schools of thought have derived their method of citations, for example, AMA is mainly used by medical students, APA is used by psychology students, and so on. The method or criteria may differ depending upon the subject too; for example, if you are doing a history paper, then the most appropriate option is to follow MLA or Turabian citation. Each citation indeed has a unique method but once you learn the basics of one, then it would be easy for you to learn others. It means just like any other academic document, the significance of the report is the same where you need to work with utmost care.
What is a report?
The academic nature of a report can include both formal and informal writing. However, most of the time, it falls under the category of formal writing. It is only because it offers a solution to a problem that is focused on or highlighted in a report. Due to its complexity, most students prefer to take help from an academic *essay writer* instead of preparing such a report by themselves. You should know that report writing is a skill set that helps in many types of jobs and can be a valuable addition to your resume.
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For beginners, report writing can be a little difficult because they need to take care of many technicalities. In simple terms, it can be said that a report is a document that includes an analysis of events, an evaluation of facts and figures, some predictions in response to the findings, detailed summaries of activities or events, and possible recommendations followed by a conclusion. You should know that once you are clear about your objectives, only then you can proceed to write a good report.
How to write a report?
If you can prepare a report, then it means you can be a valuable addition to your company or respective institution. I still remember when I got stuck and asked a professional writer to *write my essay*. The elements of a good report include an outline, first draft, analysis of data, findings, conducting thorough research, potential recommendations, and editing and distribution.
Conduct your research
It would be the very first step of your report that requires you to go from several resources or existing literature to college data. You may also need to collect data from primary sources as well, as sometimes you cannot rely on secondary sources. It would mainly depend on your topic. However, if you find this process challenging, you can get help from an academic *essay writing service*. For such a purpose, you only need to give them your topic and you will get a well-crafted report.
Data analysis and record findings
It is the main purpose of writing your report because this attribute is usually absent in an essay. You need to link your findings with the topic by providing valuable information. For example, if you are writing a report about climate change, then make sure you include all relevant facts and figures followed by an analysis.
Edit and distribute
It would be the final stage of your report where you need to check for potential mistakes in the form of typos, spelling, and grammar mistakes. You should know that a wide range of people would read your report so do not add too many complex details, otherwise, they might lose interest. In the same way, double-check your citation style and methods and only stick with one style in your report instead of following two.
Examples for references
- Journal article: Write the author's first name followed by a comma and then the second name, the title of the journal article in inverted commas, Journal name in italics, volume number, issue number, page number, and publication year.
o For example, Ju, Wang, “Optics of ultrasonic waves,” Journal of Applied Physics, volume 43, no. 5, February, page 333-367, 2012.
- Printed documents: In the case of a book, write the author's first name first, followed by a comma and second name, write the book name in italics, city of publication: publisher, and year of publication.
o For example, James, A., Linear Networks and Systems. California: Wadsworth Press, 2012.
- One chapter: If you are quoting a particular chapter of the book, the sequence would remain the same, just add the title of a chapter before writing the book name.
- Online sources: If you are using online sources, then write the writer’s name first, "the title of the article in inverted commas," the website address from where you took the article, the published date, website link, followed by an accessed date.
o For example, G. Williams, “Climbing and limb torsion,” vnunet.com, January 23, 2015. [Online]. Available: Paste the website link here. [Accessed Dec. 12, 2016].
- You will mention each type of reference at the end of the document with the heading 'Works Cited.' You are not bound to follow the alphabetical sequence like other citations. Make sure your references are flush left with double space and hanging indents.
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