Gymnasium (Gym) is a room or building equipped for gymnastics and other physical activities.
Gyms are also known as fitness Centers. A gym is a club, building, or large room, generally containing unique machine, where people go to do physical exercise and get fit.
A gym is a place where people go to physical training, but also to relax, socialize, and recharge.
A good gym is a facility that promotes physical activity, provides a safe, functional, and comfortable workout and healthy environment, and creates a pleasant and great atmosphere for recreation and socialization.
Gym in Los Angeles benefits mental health by enhance mood and self-confidence. Gym exercises better quality of sleep and you wake up feeling more energetic and refreshed.
Gym exercises may contribute to longevity. You’ll not only look better but feel sharper, more active and experience a greater sense of wellness.
Here we are suggesting best gym near Los Angeles.
Gym Name: The Gym LA
Address: 11567 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 9002
Working Hours: Monday – Thursday 6AM-10PM, Friday – Sunday 7AM – 5PM
Phone: (424) 248-8496
Customer Ratings: 4.3
Request Direction: https://www.google.com/search?q=gym+near+los+angeles+ca&biw=1366&bih=625&tbm=lcl&ei=Ufc-Yb_uF7jiz7sPgaSGoAg&oq=gym+near+los+&gs_l=psy-
Gym Name: Wilfit Sports Club
Address: 3470 Wilshire Blvd #100, Los Angeles, CA 90010
Working Hours: Monday-Friday 6AM-10PM , Saturday 9AM – 7PM, Sunday 10AM – 5PM
Phone: (213) 788-3316
Customer Ratings: 4.4
Request Direction: https://www.google.com/search?q=gym+near+los+angeles+ca&biw=1366&bih=625&tbm=lcl&ei=Ufc-Yb_uF7jiz7sPgaSGoAg&oq=gym+near+los+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i512k1l2j0i22i30k1l5.47832.50374.0.52546.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.8.1008…0i433i457i67k1j0i67k1j0i512i10k1j0i512i433k1j0i512i457i10k1.0.eNQ2AZcx3fE#
Gym Name: Easton Gym Co
Address: 8053 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048
Working Hours: Monday-Friday 5AM-11PM , Saturday 7AM – 9PM, Sunday 7AM – 9PM
Customer Ratings: 4.7
Request Direction: https://www.google.com/search?q=gym+near+los+angeles+ca&biw=1366&bih=625&tbm=lcl&ei=Ufc-Yb_uF7jiz7sPgaSGoAg&oq=gym+near+los+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i512k1l2j0i22i30k1l5.47832.50374.0.52546.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.8.1008…0i433i457i67k1j0i67k1j0i512i10k1j0i512i433k1j0i512i457i10k1.0.eNQ2AZcx3fE#
Gym Name: Body Builders Gym
Address: 2516 Hyperion Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90027
Working Hours: Monday-Friday 6AM-10PM , Saturday 8AM – 8PM, Sunday 8AM – 8PM
Customer Ratings: 4.6
Request Direction: https://www.google.com/search?q=gym+near+los+angeles+ca&biw=1366&bih=625&tbm=lcl&ei=Ufc-Yb_uF7jiz7sPgaSGoAg&oq=gym+near+los+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i512k1l2j0i22i30k1l5.47832.50374.0.52546.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.8.1008…0i433i457i67k1j0i67k1j0i512i10k1j0i512i433k1j0i512i457i10k1.0.eNQ2AZcx3fE#
Gym Name: Fitness 19
Address: 3222 W Slauson Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90043
Working Hours: Monday-Thursday 5AM-9PM , Friday 5AM – 8PM, Saturday 7AM – 7PM, Sunday 7AM – 7PM
Customer Ratings: 4.6
Request Direction: https://www.google.com/search?q=gym+near+los+angeles+ca&biw=1366&bih=625&tbm=lcl&ei=Ufc-Yb_uF7jiz7sPgaSGoAg&oq=gym+near+los+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i512k1l2j0i22i30k1l5.47832.50374.0.52546.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.8.1008…0i433i457i67k1j0i67k1j0i512i10k1j0i512i433k1j0i512i457i10k1.0.eNQ2AZcx3fE#
Gym Name: Sanctuary Fitness – DTLA
Address: 718 Jackson St, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Working Hours: Monday-Wednesday 6AM-8PM , Thursday, Friday 6AM – 7PM, Saturday 8AM – 11AM, Sunday-Closed
Customer Ratings: 4.9
Gym Name: ESTLR Athletics
Address: 431 S Hewitt St, Los Angeles, CA 90013
Working Hours: Monday-Friday 6AM-8PM , Saturday 9AM – 2PM , Sunday 10AM – 2PM
Customer Ratings: 4.7
Gym Name: Planet Fitness
Address: 437 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90013
Working Hours: Open 24 hours
Customer Ratings: 4.2
Address: 12424 Wilshire Blvd Suite 101, Los Angeles, CA 90025
Working Hours: Monday 5AM – 9PM , Saturday 7AM – 4PM , Sunday 7AM – 2PM
Customer Ratings: 4.7