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How Animated Videos Enhance Visual Storytelling for a Brand

Atul Sinha
How Animated Videos Enhance Visual Storytelling for a Brand

Every brand has to come up with inventive methods to market itself after a few days. Given the dynamic nature of consuming content, audiences are also looking at innovative things that’d hold their attention. One of the ways of reaching them is through visual storytelling, and animation facilitates it. Animated videos are a great engagement tactic online to ensure people stay on your profile and are curious about your offerings. An experienced video production agency can help you create interesting videos. You can consider Good Vibes Entertainment for a reliable production house in Delhi. The expert team understands the needs of the company and can storyboard an entire animated video campaign for you. Let us look at how animated videos are perfect for visual storytelling. 

Animation Offers Different Styles: There are so many different techniques within an animation. Cel animation, 2D, 3D, stop motion, motion graphics all of these varied elements can be used in combination to create an animated video. It lets you experiment with the way you wish to communicate with your audience. Depending on the target audience, kind of business and budget, you can decide on a style of animation for your video. It gives you a wide range of options to choose from. 

Animation Plugs With Visual Senses: If you see a regular video versus a well-made animated video, you are likely to follow the latter until the end. That is because animation plugs our visual senses. The bright colours and cartoony figures are visually enticing. When you have managed to grab the attention of your audience, they will be on the lookout for more. Good Vibes Entertainment, an animated video agency in Delhi can help you develop such videos with their expertise. 

Animation Interacts: Even basic hand-drawn figures can drive conversations in an animated video. Using a specific voice or tone to make it conversational and give a message to your audience. Creating a mascot is thus one of the important elements of branding and marketing. If you have a mascot, you can use it as the main character of your video. Rather than filling a frame with a lot of text or information, you can have an animated explainer video which will make it interesting for a viewer. 

Creates Brand Association: A creative storyboard of a marketing video with animation can form a perception in the customer’s mind about your brand. If people will relate to your video, they are more likely to buy your product/service. Generating these brand associations is one step towards customer loyalty. 

Best Video Marketing Tactic: Animation if used properly can serve as the best tool for video marketing. The combination of vibrant motion graphics, conversational tone, visual aesthetics and engaging music can create a complete package of storytelling. Show people your story and give out a strong message at the end of it. It will attract existing as well as new consumers. A good call-to-action at the end of it ensures you drive the audience’s attention to your company. 

Visual storytelling is thus an effective method to interact, engage and reach new potential customers. But to get a video that touches upon all this, you need an expert production house. For a good video production house in Delhi, check out Good Vibes Entertainment. Serving some of the best clients in the industry, they are a leading animated video agency in Delhi. 

Atul Sinha
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