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How To Care For Your Skin After Laser Hair Removal

Skinful Tattoo Removal
How To Care For Your Skin After Laser Hair Removal

Are you tired of shaving or waxing the hairs present on the skin? Do you want to get rid of ingrown hairs and little red bumps that are formed after shaving or waxing the hairs? If yes, then it’s time to give it a try for laser hair removal. 


Laser hair removal is considered a professional process that is conducted by a dermatologist in order to get rid of unwanted hair. This process works by focusing beams of light that target your hair follicles and destroy their hair.


Laser treatments are generally used for your:


  • Legs
  • Bikini line
  • Back
  • Armpits
  • Chest
  • Face


Based on your hair & skin colors, and hair texture, the doctor will determine the best laser hair removal techniques. However, if you are planning to undergo laser hair removal in Killeen TX then you can take the help of the internet and find a reliable clinic.





Know the laser hair removal aftercare


To take care of your skin after laser treatments, the dermatologist will recommend you some instructions. To promote skin healing and prevent side effects, you must do the following things:


Apply cool compresses


Wet a clean, and soft cloth with cool water. Now place this cloth on the treated area for a few minutes. You can even use an ice pack by wrapping it in a paper towel. This method assists in decreasing temporary swelling and pain after the laser hair removal treatment is done.  


Protect your skin from the sun

After you undergo a laser hair removal treatment, your skin becomes sensitive. As a result, your physician suggests avoiding exposure to sunlight. You must avoid the sun for almost 1 month before the procedure and 1 month afterward.


Apply prescription creams


Your doctor might recommend a steroid cream to decrease pain and discomfort following your treatment. The doctor can prescribe you take acetaminophen or anti-inflammatory medicines to relieve your pain.


Thus, taking little precautions before and after laser hair removal can decrease the risk of experiencing side effects.

Skinful Tattoo Removal
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