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Cash App direct deposit failed and returned to originator

Ariana Peyton
Cash App direct deposit failed and returned to originator

Unfortunately, your Cash App direct deposit failed and was returned to originator. If you are experiencing issues with your direct deposit, there are a few things you can try:

·        Ensure that the routing and account numbers you provided to your employer or payroll service are correct.

·        Check with your employer or payroll service to ensure they have sent the direct deposit to the correct account.

·        Contact Cash App support for assistance. You can do this through the app by tapping the profile icon on your home screen, then selecting "Support" and "Contact Support."

·        If you can still not resolve the issue, you may need to contact your bank or financial institution for further assistance. They can provide more information about the issue and help you fix it.

Unfortunately, your Cash App direct deposit failed and was returned to originator. If you are experiencing issues with your direct deposit, there are a few things you can try:

·        Ensure that the routing and account numbers you provided to your employer or payroll service are correct.

·        Check with your employer or payroll service to ensure they have sent the direct deposit to the correct account.

·        Contact Cash App support for assistance. You can do this through the app by tapping the profile icon on your home screen, then selecting "Support" and "Contact Support."

·        If you can still not resolve the issue, you may need to contact your bank or financial institution for further assistance. They can provide more information about the issue and help you fix it.

Ariana Peyton
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