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What are the Advantages of Advanced Metering Infrastructure?

Pooja salve
What are the Advantages of Advanced Metering Infrastructure?

Depending on the utility's customer base, Advanced Metering Infrastructure installations are significant transformation efforts that often call for a period of between 3-5 years for a full-scale rollout.

Cost: Because installing smart metres demands a significant upfront expenditure, it is essential that the utility provider be confident in its ability to do so.

Data Privacy: As more and more sites instal Smart Meters, concerns about the privacy of consumption data are being voiced. Data from the metres can be analysed to learn specifics about a customer's routines, such as when they eat, how much television they watch, and when they go to bed. Due to its retention and storage, this material is open to security lapses and governmental access.

Technology Transformation: The transformation of technology In order to set up turnkey projects for the smart metering network and application infrastructure, which will be implemented in the short- to medium-term, it will be imperative to make critical information technology investments.

It will be important to develop elements such as

·      widespread use of smart metres

·      databases and apps for metre reading

·      Data migration programmes, analytic tools, and data warehouses

·      Portals and applications that interact with customers

·      Adaptation to current systems

The effectiveness of smart metre deployment projects will be greatly influenced by these elements and the supporting infrastructure. The installation of Advanced Metering Infrastructure transforms the entire utility business process and has an effect on all stakeholders and utility operations as a whole. Therefore, evaluating the AMI implementation becomes of utmost importance. In these kinds of programmes, it becomes crucial that the utility validation partner is aware of the business domain and makes sure that the application is capable of meeting other needs in addition to the business requirements (e.g., performance, data quality & security, application security).

Read More- http://latestcmiblogs.weebly.com/article/advanced-metering-infrastructure-is-an-integrated-system-that-allows-two-way-communication-for-collecting-detailed-metering-information-in-real-time

Pooja salve
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