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Can we get a refund from Malaysia Airlines?

Travoflys Online
Can we get a refund from Malaysia Airlines?


 Yes, you can get a refund from Malaysia airlines if you cancel your ticket within 24 hours of the purchase of the ticket and your flight is seven days or more from the cancelation, and you have to use some of the ways only then your refund is transferred as an original form of payment that you used purchasing tickets 

What is the policy of refund for Malaysia airlines?

If you have made a cancelation a ticket within 24 hours and that cancelation is made at least seven days from the flight departure then you can get a refund of that ticket 

 What is the process to receive a refund for tickets that you have purchased?

Process for a refund using a phone

You can make a call and then ask customer support if you want to cancel your ticket after that, you are getting your refund as original form first, make a call at 1-844-933-2065 then after that, tell them your PNR and your last name, and then they can make sure that your ticket gets canceled, and you receive a refund 

Process of refund using a website

This is one of the most used ways, and also, using this provides a much easier way you can use this after following some process 

  • First, you have to go to the website of the Malaysia airlines
  • Then you have to click on manage my bookings
  • Then, you have to provide your PNR and your last name
  • Submit the fields then you have to click on the one that you want to make a cancellation 

Then you have to make sure to click on cancel, and you can get a refund if you cancel within 24 hours or as per the refund rules and you can get Malaysia airlines to refund email after that 

Refund using the form of assistance

If you want to make use of the assistance form, then you have to go to the website, and there you can find the assistance form after that, you have to click on that and carefully complete the Malaysia airlines assistance request form, and then you can receive an email for that

This explained that you could get a refund for your ticket that you purchased with Malaysia airlines, and gives a resolution of how to request a refund Malaysia airlines ticket and there are multiple ways from which you can select and after the completion of that you can get your refund

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