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Oahu Hotels for Your Holiday Vacation

Oahu Hotels for Your Holiday Vacation

Oahu is a part of the Hawaiian island chain and is home to the state capital, Honolulu. Located in the Central Pacific, it is a melting pot of East and West cultures anchored in the customs and beliefs of the indigenous Hawaiian people, culminating in various attractions you can experience on the summer island. From exploring the hidden gems of Oahu with Byodo-In Temple to traveling on the North Shore DOLE Pineapple Farm Tour, there are several activities and locations in Hawaii.

To help you decide where to go on Oahu, Hawaii, here are some of our recommendations:

1. Hilton Hawaiian Village

The Hilton Hawaiian Village is the biggest Hilton resort in the world and the biggest hotel in Waikiki, so it's a great place to stay for a luxurious vacation. The best thing is that it's in a prime spot on Waikiki beach and has a lagoon where guests can participate in various fun activities—ever heard of doing yoga on a stand-up paddle board while watching the sunrise? At the Hilton, it's a regular sight!

2. Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort

The Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort is a beachfront property in the center of Waikiki that offers an authentic Hawaiian experience to its visitors. They have a wide variety of restaurants serving food with a focus on regional cuisine and thriving cultural events and activities.

3. Sheraton Waikiki

The Sheraton Waikiki's main lobby Christmas Sand Sculptures has become an island tradition. Tourists and locals alike are always drawn to these eye-catching works of art. In addition to the beach, there are two swimming pools, a fitness center, cultural events, and exhibits—everything with a breathtaking view of Diamond Head.

4. The Modern Honolulu

The Modern Honolulu is the best option if you're looking for a high-luxury place to stay in Honolulu. A variety of delicious dining options, exciting nightlife, private pool areas, and soothing spa services are all available at this hotel. 

5. The Alohilani

The Alohilani Resort is renowned for its restaurant's aquarium, which spans numerous stories and has become a tourist attraction.

If you're a foodie, you're also in for a treat with their wide variety of delectable starters, main courses, desserts, and beverages.

Create Memories in Oahu, Hawaii

Oahu is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world, and for a good reason. Its thriving cities and relaxed coastal towns are a pleasure because of the stark contrast between the island's historical and modern ways of life. Traveling throughout Oahu, partaking in its various attractions, and staying at one of the island's many unique hotels or B&Bs are all within your reach.

Check out this article by Go Tours Hawaii for a list of the best hotels in Oahu. This will help you decide where to stay. 

Happy Holidays!

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