The higher value of respectful and courteous communication, between a Yoga teacher and his or her students, cannot be understated. A harmonious classroom is the ultimate learning center for all students, as well as teachers.
There are rare moments when Yoga instructors refuse questions, but let's look at a possible reason. Perhaps a teacher was once "mentally tested" by a student during class time. Some students have no respect for their teachers, because they see no value in the subject. Arrogance is the reward of the ignorant.
Does this justify a Yoga teacher's refusal to answer questions? In short - No, because you cannot let one relationship taint all of your future relationships. People are not the same.
We cannot take it out on the world because we had one difficult person upset us. On the other hand, just like everyone else, Yoga instructors are human too. We all make mistakes, and one moment is not an indication of our imprint on this lifetime. Yet, people will easily remember our worst behavior.
With that said, there are many more possibilities. Perhaps the Yoga instructor is the one who is arrogant. We could blame the Yoga teacher training facility, by insisting, "The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree." Yet, an elitist or egotistical mindset is usually cultivated from within. History has a few exceptions, but in the end, all of us have to accept the responsibility for our actions, whether they are good or bad.
There are some underlying problems when a Yoga instructor refuses to answer questions during class. The teacher has probably not taken the time to be aware of each students needs. Student health, contraindications, and modification to postures, may take a "back seat," if a Yoga instructor refuses to communicate.
All this leads to one common thread: A Yoga class is unsafe, when the instructor is self-absorbed. The agenda has most likely become a "workout" for the teacher, and students are allowed to "come along for the ride." It is interesting to see how many students, of any subject, are attracted to teachers who could care less about student safety or welfare.