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Does My Home Really Need Gutters?

Carolyn Lynch
Does My Home Really Need Gutters?

Gutters are one of the most misunderstood parts of your roof, but they’re also the most critical component of a properly functioning roof. Gutters allow rainwater to safely drain off your roof, keeping your house dry, protecting your belongings, and saving you money on your utility bills. Yet some homeowners are still confused about how gutters work, and don’t know if their roofs need them! So, whether you think they are necessary or not, this handy article will show you why the roof of every home need gutters.

The Function of Gutters: What Purpose Do They Serve

Gutter systems are an integral part of any roofing system. They are designed to divert water away from your home's foundation, protecting it from the damaging effects of rainwater.

While gutters may not be the most exciting part of your home, they play an important role in protecting it from damage as they serve several purposes:

  • Reduce the risk of water damage by directing rainwater away from your house.
  • They prevent water from pooling up on your property, which can lead to flooding if it accumulates for too long
  • Prevent gutters from overflowing, which can lead to mold and mildew growth inside the gutter system.
  • Prevent foundations from cracking due to soil erosion or leaking into your basement or crawl space.
  • Keep landscaping looking nice by preventing erosion around the foundation of your home.

Remember that gutters can only serve these purposes if they are well-maintained. If left untended it can cause costly damage to the foundation of your home and its overall structure.

Are Gutters Always Necessary?

In most cases, adding gutters to new construction is a wise, if not inevitable decision. Although there are no laws mandating homes to include gutters, they provide great benefits that most homeowners can appreciate. Not only do they keep water out of your basement, floor, and walls, but they also add curb appeal to the outside of your home. An additional cost of gutters up front may end up saving you a great deal of money in repairs later, including mold and possible structural damage.

Situations Where Gutters May Not Be Required

Gutters are recommended on most homes, but there are some situations in which they are optional. Here are a few times when not gutters having is acceptable:

  • If your home has architectural elements that prevent rainwater from reaching the foundation (such as overhanging roofs or tall windows).
  • If there is an existing drainage system that protects against water meeting the exterior walls of your home (such as a French drain or dry well).
  • If you live in an area that sees little rainfall (less than 20 inches per year) or has very low humidity
  • If your house has a flat roof or a very low pitch roof that allows water to run off quickly without pooling up

So, Does the Roof of Your Home Need Gutters?

Ultimately, it's only a professional roofing contractor that can give you a definitive answer if your home needs gutters. But, if you want to make sure that your home is well protected against the elements, there's no better solution than gutters. They're relatively inexpensive and easy to install or repair and can provide years of reliable service with relatively little maintenance.

For more information, contact Sugar Land Premier Roofing at 832-621-4770. We service areas in Sugar Land, Katy, and Houston, TX.

Carolyn Lynch
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