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Signs Your Home Needs a New Roof Installation

Darah Albesa
Signs Your Home Needs a New Roof Installation

Signs Your Home Needs a New Roof Installation

Aside from protecting your house from the elements, the roof supports the building's overall structure and stability. Roofing also contributes to proper indoor insulation and ventilation. Your roof must remain in top condition to fulfil these roles. Therefore, it's vital to watch out for signs that your home is due for a new roof installation.


If you don't know whether your home needs a simple roof repair or a total roof installation, we've prepared a list to help you identify the right solution. We have also included tips on finding the best roofing company in New Zealand.


How to Know If Your Roof is Due for Replacement

The following signs indicate your home needs a new roof installation as soon as possible.


The roof is nearing the end of its lifespan

Did you know that a typical roof has an average lifespan of 15 to 25 years? This period will depend on the roofing material and installation method. 


If you don't know the age of your roof or have just moved into an old house, you can consult a roofing specialist to conduct an inspection.


There is visible sagging and frequent leaks.

Sagging indicates that your roofing structure that holds everything together can no longer support the weight of the upper materials. 


Unstable and weakened roofing structures also make the surface uneven, allowing rainwater and moisture to seep into the home interiors. Frequent water damage may lead to rusting and rotting.


There are missing and damaged roof coverings. 

If you observe missing or damaged roof shingles, you should immediately call your roofing specialist. Missing roof coverings can cause leaks. The resulting water damage leads to other issues, including furniture damage, mould, and mildew growth on the ceiling and walls, to name a few.


An unusual increase in your monthly energy bills.

Is there a sudden increase in your monthly energy bill? Chances are, your damaged roof is not giving your interior spaces adequate insulation, prompting your air conditioner to work harder than usual. Installing a new roof can prevent these unexpected and wasteful charges.


The roofing style and material are outdated.

Aside from these physical signs, sometimes your roof just badly needs a style and material upgrade. Beyond aesthetics, modern roofing styles provide higher property value. They also have better climate adaptation, energy efficiency, and functionality.


Additionally, your new roof installation can help you accommodate more functional elements. For instance, upgrading your roof opens up opportunities for provisions for energy-efficient additions. Consider adding solar panels, skylights, and rainwater collection systems to your roofing.


These are the most important signs your roof is overdue for an upgrade. If you notice any of these signs, address them immediately to prevent costly damage. 


Ready to Talk to a Roofing Specialist in NZ?

If you're looking for a roofing company in NZ, hire a reputable contractor that operates locally and works with the leading suppliers in the country. 


More importantly, choose an insured company that provides warranties and guarantees. Doing so ensures you get the most out of your investment.

Darah Albesa
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