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5 Natural Treatments for Scleroderma

Jhon Goodwin
5 Natural Treatments for Scleroderma

Scleroderma is a tough and rare condition. It has affected between 75,000 and 100,000 persons in the United States and is also referred to as systemic sclerosis. 


It can be a severe condition that shortens the average lifespan, causes significant physical pain, and results in disability. Scleroderma patients may feel uneasy and self-conscious about their looks. This brings on social discomfort, anxiety, and even melancholy.


Further, scleroderma is an autoimmune disease that affects different people differently regarding symptoms and severity. The actual cause of the illness is unknown. Treatment plans are comprehensive and address problems that affect numerous organs. 


It can be quite challenging to live with this illness. But with some assistance and knowledge, you may improve your self-confidence and eliminate typical symptoms like pain, fatigue, and hunger. Read more about how to cure scleroderma naturally.


How to Cure Scleroderma Naturally


According to studies, patients can benefit from treatment for scleroderma in nutritional, physical, musculoskeletal, and mental elements. In light of this, the following are some natural remedies for treating the mental and physical effects of scleroderma.


Physical Therapy


Patients who have painful and tight joints may benefit from physical therapy. Physical treatment on a regular basis can aid in preventing joint motion loss, which happens when blood flow is reduced, and your skin gets tense. Stretching the fingers, hands, wrists, and shoulders are exercises that expand the range of motion. Working with people who have scleroderma requires strengthening the hands and fingers.


Reduce Pain with Exercise


Scleroderma pain can impact different parts of the body and can range in intensity. Exercise can help you feel better by releasing stress in your muscles, boosting your circulation, stretching out your joints, and strengthening them. 


Try low-impact activities like yoga, water aerobics, walking, cycling, and utilizing an elliptical machine. This way, you can cure scleroderma naturally.


Moisturize the Skin


It is one of the best methods to cure scleroderma naturally. Because the skin of people with scleroderma is dry, tight, and thick, taking care to keep it moist can be beneficial. When you finish the bath or shower, moisturize your entire body. Almond, coconut, and olive oils are all excellent natural moisturizers. 


Essential oils that include menthol can act as a cooling agent to relieve pain, itching, and inflammation. Try blending 12 teaspoons of coconut oil with 1-2 drops of peppermint oil. Topically apply the mixture to the troublesome area. 


Before using the peppermint on a larger area, perform a patch test on a small skin area to ensure it won't irritate.


Take (or Eat) Probiotics


Since probiotics aid in tissue and intestinal repair, they may lessen the symptoms of scleroderma. More and more studies indicate that leaky gut may offer a unified concept for most autoimmune diseases. 


The immune system is kept in check by the microbiome so that it doesn't manufacture an excessive amount of antibodies. When our guts are home to healthy bacteria, this equilibrium of anti-inflammatory, immune cells is restored.


Seek Counseling or Support


A ton of research shows the numerous issues scleroderma patients experience. Anxiety, depression, and problems with body image are among the psychological distress that patients frequently experience. 


According to studies, peer support is a beneficial treatment for scleroderma since it allows patients to communicate openly with someone who has gone through similar issues. Support groups online are more prevalent.




The listed natural remedies for scleroderma are particularly advantageous for skin health. If you're dealing with scleroderma, remember that you're not alone—there are various support groups ready to help you navigate the physical changes you may be experiencing.

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Jhon Goodwin
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