AI Products 
Kevin Asutton
IIoT security challenges

What is Industrial IoT?

Process enhancement is made possible by the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), which uses machine-to-machine connectivity and communication with a cloud-based platform. It uses big data analytics, sophisticated machine learning algorithms, and other technologies to give manufacturers helpful information.

IIoT is the convergence of operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT), resulting in a fully integrated ecosphere with sophisticated networks connecting processes and industrial control systems.

To measure productivity or evaluate the health of machines, this network consists of IIoT devices such as sensors, controllers, industrial control systems, and other connected devices. As a result, machines can receive instructions to do autonomous or semi-autonomous operations without human interaction at an unimaginably faster speed than humans can manage when edge computing and actionable insights from analytics are combined.

What are some challenges of securing IIoT devices?

3rd-Party Contractor Access

Giving technicians and contractors broad access to the network adds risk and is difficult to manage efficiently.

Network blind spots

Monitoring and managing the network is becoming challenging due to the rapid expansion and diversity of IoT devices and systems.

Legacy systems

Systems become a security concern when they can no longer be patched or updated to guard against vulnerabilities.

Inconsistent network segmentation

On the wide range of networks in use today, tactics for limiting harmful lateral movement are frequently handled inconsistently.

Extreme Defender IoT

Extreme Defender IoT is the original, award-winning product that brings security to points with little or no protection. As a result, enterprises today have severe worries about IoT security. Similarly, we worry that protecting several devices would be difficult and expensive.

In particular, that applies to conventional wired devices that must operate inside buildings, rooms, or even campuses. Instead, incorporate inline security directly into the IoT device to supplement your current security solution. Additionally, it works with any network architecture, allowing secure IoT management without making significant network changes.

Kevin Asutton
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